25. Tease

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The next morning was a shit show. Lexie was sore, Andrew had a headache, and the house was a complete mess from the party the previous night. Andrew and Lexie had come downstairs and he immediately went to prepare breakfast for everyone while Lexie had a trash bag and was picking up everything that needed to be thrown away.

They had some chill tunes playing and were going about their business when members of the squad slowly started getting up and coming into the common rooms. Lexie felt like some of them were giving her funny looks but she ignored it the same way she was trying to ignore the soreness she felt in the area between her legs.

Once finished preparing and serving breakfast, Andrew called everyone over to the dining table. They all sat around the table and began eating. They all tried to make small talk, but Lexie couldn't help but feel like everyone was staring her down. Andrew noticed too and was beginning to get uncomfortable.

"Okay I'm just going to say it!" Shane exclaimed, putting his fork down on his plate. "God, Lexie, you are LOUD in bed, girl," he teased as Ryland imitated Lexie's moans.

Garrett chimed in as well and copied her voice, "Andy, yes!"

Morgan laughed and said, "I've heard Andrew's sex noises and now I want to die."

The new couple were both red in the face and wanted to crawl back in Andrew's room and live there for the rest of their lives. Andrew's face was as red as the bacon on his plate and Lexie had her face in her hands.

"Oh my goddd," Lexie groaned.

Garrett nodded. "Yup, heard you say that last night too."

"Garrett..." Andrew warned, shooting his friend a look.

"Ok, but really. Happy for you two!" Ryland said, pointing his fork at the two like it was a wand.

"Yeah," Morgan nodded. "At least like 60% of this table is having sex." She and Garrett looked at each other sadly.

"Lex," Shane tried to whisper across the table. She looked up and made eye contact with him, her face still red. "How big? Tell me when to stop," he said, putting his hands together and slowly moving them apart. When she didn't say anything and just stared at him with a playful expression, Shane gasped. "Girl..."

They all laughed and finally let the topic go and started talking about the video and party last night. Once done, Ryland offered to clean up since Andrew cooked and the two retreated back to his room.

"Didn't expect to get roasted by our friends on this fine morning," Andrew commented as he closed the door behind him and joined Lexie who had already cozied herself up under the covers. He wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled up close to her.

Lexie let herself melt into him and said, "I want to die." Her face burned up as she remembered everyone's comments and let her mind wander to their friends laying in bed just listening to them. She groaned again and turned her body so she could bury her head into Andrew's chest.

"Same," he replied, rubbing his hand on the small of her back. "Let's just die."

"Sounds good to me," she replied before drifting off to sleep again.


A few days had passed since the first video uploaded and Andrew and Shane were working hard to get the next part ready by the end of the week. The two had been pulling all-nighters and taking quick naps in between, but were mostly running on Venti iced coffees from Starbucks.

Lexie hadn't seen her boyfriend for five days now and as a new couple she was getting impatient with him. She knew that he had warned her in the beginning that there would be times when he'd just be too busy to see her, but she had needs.




Hi baby

What's up?


When do I see you next ☹



Tomorrow probably?

Scheduled to upload in the morning so we need to make sure everything is good





Don't do that pls





I miss you bby


I miss you too my baby

I'm gonna see you soon promise

Not completely satisfied with his response, an idea formed in her head. She went over to her dresser and pulled out an old pair of lingerie she hadn't touched in years. She put it on and was relieved that it still fit.

She laid down in her bed and snapped a few selfies of herself in the skimpy lace and sent it to her boyfriend.

Patiently, she waited for him to open it and she grinned when the app said that it was viewed. She wished she could see his reaction right now. He was probably red as a tomato and scrambling to find words. If she was lucky, Shane would be with him asking him what was wrong. She giggled at the thought.

When a minute had passed since it was seen and he still hadn't replied, she huffed and began typing.


I miss you inside of me



I'm on my fucking way


A bit of a filler chapter. I'm gonna be honest, I had a bit of writer's block with this one. I have most of this story written out except for this chapter and the next few. Not sure when I'll update next because I don't want to give you guys anything that I'm not proud of! But it will be soon.

Thank you for your support on the last chapter too! :) 

it's a match | andrew siwickiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя