6. Seeds of Doubt

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When the super like came up while Lexie was swiping, she was shocked to see a familiar red head had initiated it.

She had to admit she was a fan. She thought he was really cute and genuine in his videos with Shane, but never really thought much of it. It wasn't like she was a super-fan or anything, but she wouldn't lie that she didn't like watching Shane's uploads when they came up.

Lexie honestly wasn't sure what she was getting herself into. She knew the impact Shane's videos had in the YouTube community and how many people tuned in to watch them. How would she feel being under the eyes of millions of people as she tried to start a romance with their beloved Andrew Siwicki.

She'd be compared to Megan, who was gorgeous and beautiful in every way. They'd worry that she would hurt him like Megan did.

She'd be accused of seeking fame and followers. Her 40k follower count could attest to the fact that she did indeed care about the count to an extent. And yes, being a part of this series would greatly influence her standing, but who in the world goes on Tinder to get followers?

She'd feel the pressure from Shane and his squad to have something great come out of this one date with their best friend. They would hope she was in this for the right reasons. They would take this chance on her.

And no one would believe her if things didn't work out with Andrew because she was afraid of letting herself fall in love again. Or if there was no spark. Or if maybe Andrew just wouldn't be as into her in person. After all, she filtered her life online. Would he want to be with a girl with no clue what her future would look like? Would she look different to him in person as opposed to her pictures?

She had given Andrew her last name via text the other night so he could stalk her online and find out more about her. She didn't know if he'd do it, but she felt it would be best if he had an idea of what she was like outside of Tinder. She hoped he'd find her Instagram page and gawk at her photos.

She had been texting him for the past few days and was genuinely beginning to like him. There was so much more to him than the shy, giggly boy in Shane's vlogs.

Her phone buzzed as she was finishing up her work for the day.


Shane and I are planning our date

Right now we're watching clips of the Bachelor for inspiration

Felt like you'd appreciate that


o m g

I think... you might be my dream boy


You're prettier than all of these girls

I'm glad you haven't auditioned for this show

The bachelor dude would have picked you the first night


Andrew no!!!

Those girls are gorgeous


Have you looked in the mirror???


I hope I get a rose at the end of our date!

"Excuse me, what are you being all smiley about over there?" Lexie was broken from her trance on the screen to her friend and coworker. "Please tell me it's a boy. Or a girl. I don't even care anymore I just want you to be in love."

Lexie bit her lip, wondering if she should say anything. She was afraid that the moment she said something about him, she would jinx it and he'd suddenly disappear. "It's a boy," she replied, a big smile appearing on her face.

"No. fucking. Way. Since when?" Jen asked in disbelief, closing out her documents and making her way to Lexie's desk.

"Since Friday when you ditched me! I got lonely so I made a Tinder," she admitted. Andrew and she had been exchanging texts back and forth over the weekend and there was definitely some text chemistry there, and she hoped that it would translate well in person.

"Ok, tell me more. Did you ask him to come over? Did you finally get some dick after 2 years?"

Lexie rolled here eyes. She loved her friend, but genuinely could not understand Jen's obsession with her sex life. "Ok, it's been less than that, and no. We haven't met yet. We're just texting."

Jen groaned. "Ughhh you know the point of Tinder is to meet up with people fast?"

Lexie explained to Jen what was going on and the whole video series and who Andrew was.

"I told you to find a man, not be part of a docu-series lmao," Jen replied sarcastically.

"Did you just say 'lmao' out loud?" Lexie asked and burst out laughing.

After they came down from their laughter and got scolded by their boss, Jen returned to her seat and told her friend, "In all honesty though, I really hope this works out. You deserve love so much and I hope you let yourself fall if he feels right for you. Don't be scared anymore."

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