2. The Pitch

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hey are you free tomorrow around 12?

new vid idea. I wanna pitch to squad

everyone else is down


yeah I'll be there.


awesome, see u 

Andrew put his phone down, a sudden burst excitement coursing through his veins. It had been a minute since their last series came out. With the mixed reactions, he was eager to hear what Shane's new idea was so they could redeem themselves again.

The red head had spent most of his break alone; hanging out with his friends outside the squad occasionally. Things were beginning to get boring: he had watched every Gordon Ramsey video on YouTube, exhausted all the interesting documentaries on Netflix, and even re-watched all of Game of Thrones again.

It was a nice break, but the down time was beginning to bore him.


The following day Morgan, Garrett, and Andrew were sat on the couch in Shane and Ryland's living room.

"Hi family," Shane greeted, walking in the room with his long gray robe on. Ryland trailed behind him, camera in hand and waving at his sister and friends.

Upon seeing Ryland filming, Andrew immediately sensed something was up. Usually he was behind the camera so... what was it about this video idea that they had to get his reaction to it too?

"Ok, so I already filmed the intro so the viewers already have an idea of what I'm going to tell you guys!" Shane clapped his hands together and continued, "I got offered a sponsorship from a very special company the other day. We met, drafted a contract, and they even helped pitch ideas for our next series."

"Oh my god just get on with it!" Morgan yelled, getting anxious on what the next series would be about. 

"I know! The anticipation is killing me!" Garrett exclaimed.

Andrew was silent and made eye contact with Ryland and the camera.

"Shane I think he knows," Ryland whispered so only Shane and the camera could hear.


It was silent for a good 30 seconds as everyone's jaws dropped.

Garrett was the first to break the silence with a squeal. Andrew looked over at him, still trying to process Shane's last statement.

"Ok wait, why are we setting Andrew up and not ME," Morgan retorted, feeling offended. "I'm the one who's never dated anyone! At least Andrew has some notches in his belt."

Andrew looked at her with a confused look. "Like two notches, Morgan." Then he shook his head and asked, "Wait, but yeah what if I don't want this? Why can't we just use Morgan and I can be the regular cameraman?"

Ryland butt in this time and explained, "We did pitch that idea to Tinder and we did a lot of negotiating. In the end, they asked that we use Andrew as our main member due to his popularity with our primarily-female audience. That's all. No hard feels, Morgan."

"Yeah you right," Morgan agreed and settled back down. "No one would swipe right on me anyways."

"That's not true, Morgan, you're beautiful!" Garrett complimented, grabbing the blonde and hugging her. She laughed and hugged him back. 

"Ok, but I didn't agree to this," Andrew retorted, sitting up and crossing his arms over his chest. The camera panned and zoomed to his face.

"Nooo, Andrew.. Come on, you have to do it," Garrett pleaded, letting go of Morgan and putting an arm around his best friend. "I know the whole thing we did in the past didn't work out but we gotta give this a shot!"

"I do have a really good feeling about this, Andrew," said Shane, a hopeful look on his face.

"I don't know, man. The pressure is a lot. Like I feel like something has to come out of this and with it being so public it's kinda hard to separate that stuff if it does go wrong, you know?"

"We totally get it Andrew. We're gonna be extremely careful about how we go about this and ask the fans to be respectful of your privacy, and make sure who ever becomes a part of this series knows what to expect."

"Andrew, please," Shane pleaded again. "This will be completely different from the Megan video. You'll have a say in everything from here on out and you can back out of anything at any time. We've all learned a lot from that experience and know what to do and not to do."

Andrew was afraid. Afraid that what happened with Megan would happen again. That ship had come and gone, but the fans were relentless and constantly bombarding Megan with questions about what happened between the two of them. And the truth? Nothing. They texted for a bit after the date but nothing ever came from it. No sparks, no nothing, no hard feelings. Sure, finding out your "dream girl" wasn't exactly your dream girl hurt a bit, but he was able to move on from that part of his life with no regrets.

But it has been a long time since Andrew put himself out there. Maybe it was time to finally meet someone new.

Finally after considering all his options, Andrew let out a loud sigh followed by, "Okay, fine. Where do we start?" 


I decided to upload this chapter with the previous one for more substance.

Next chapter should be up in a few days where we meet our leading lady :)

Thank you again!

it's a match | andrew siwickiWhere stories live. Discover now