22. Boundaries

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The next morning Andrew woke up first with Lexie practically on top of him. He learned that she was a pretty restless sleeper and that despite all his attempts to hold her down, she would do what she wanted to do. If she wasn't pushing him away by digging her elbow into him, she was snuggling up into his arm pit. Andrew considered himself to be a pretty heavy sleeper, but he was very alert last night due to it being his first with the girl.

Lifting a hand to gently caress her back, the redhead was pleasantly surprised when it made contact with bare skin. He lifted the blanket slightly and he was greeted with the fact that Lexie was only in her bra and underwear.

He was confused because he was one hundred percent sure they did not have sex that night, and he was still fully clothed in his boxers and shirt. His hoodie that she was wearing to bed was haphazardly tossed to the foot of the bed.

"Hmm," he heard the girl on top of him hum. "This is awkward, huh?"

His eyes made contact with hers when she lifted her head to see the position they were in. Andrew smirked at her and tightened his grip on her waist. "I mean... I'm not complaining."

"I get hot at night," she tried to explain the fact that she was practically naked in his bed despite the fact that they stopped last night before things got too heated.

"You're hot all the time," he shot back with a small grin.

She laughed and got up to straddle his waist. She could feel his morning wood on her thigh when she leant to kiss him on the lips. Andrew groaned at the friction as he returned the heated kiss back at her. His hands roamed further down her back to the waist band of her panties as he played with the edge.

Lexie's hands started to travel down his chest, and feeling rather bold, she palmed the red head's member through his boxer briefs.

"Whoah fuck, Lex," he moaned into her ear; his mind stopped working as the girl he was absolutely going crazy for rubbed his most private part through the fabric of his underwear. "W-we c-can't... Lex, fuck," he moaned, grabbing her hand and gently pulling it away. Despite every carnal urge in him that begged him to take her, he had to stop it right here. The loss of contact brought him back down and he instantly regretted it when he saw the disappointed look on Lexie's face.

"Andrew, you are literally the only guy I know that would turn down these sorts of things," she complained as she dismounted him. Lexie couldn't help but feel embarrassed. This was the third time he'd rejected her advances. She knew why they shouldn't and that he did like her and is attracted to her, but it still stung.

"Lexxxx," Andrew groaned, grabbing her wrist so that she could face him. "You know how much I like you and God, I still don't understand what you see in someone like me. It's not that I don't want to do this with you.. It just doesn't feel like our relationship is there yet." He smiled weakly at her, placing a finger under her chin to make her look at him. "I want us to be one hundred and one percent sure this is what we want for each other. Is that okay?"

The truth is... it has been a while since he'd been intimate with someone he really liked, and he was afraid he wouldn't live up to what she was expecting or used to.

And if he would just voice how he felt to the girl, he'd learn that Lexie was absolutely terrified of being intimate with him for the first time too, but he just felt right for her. She was taking everyone's advice and letting herself fall and this was part of it. He would also learn that she had only ever been with one other man before and had no idea what she was supposed to expect from someone different.

"Yeah, I understand," she smiled weakly at him. It still hurt, but she didn't want to cross any of his boundaries. "I'm sorry, I should have asked if it was okay first."

"You're good, Lex. I promise you'll know when we're ready for this," he replied, motioning to kiss her. He waited until she met him half way before closing in.

After sitting in each others' arms for a few moments, Lexie put on her outfit from the day before since she had nothing else to change into. She didn't want to shamelessly flash Shane and Ryland in Andrew's sweater after they so graciously let her stay the night.

Andrew followed suit and put on a pair of joggers. "Hey, come on, let me make you breakfast," he said gently, takin her hand in his and led her down the stairs. The house was still quiet- it was around 11 in the morning and no one had gotten up from bed yet.

Lexie sat at the island while she watched Andrew prepare eggs, bacon, and toast. "I didn't know you can cook," she thought out loud.

He smiled at her over his shoulder and replied, "Yeah I think when you live alone for a couple years it just comes to you."

"Oh! Good morning!" Ryland greeted as he entered the house with Uno and Honey on their leashes. "I didn't realize you were here, Lexie!" He released the dogs from their harnesses as they ran over to the new human they had never met before.

"Awww, hi babies!" Lexie gushed, getting on her knees and petting the dogs. "And yeah, Shane said I could stay the night. I hope that was okay, Ryland."

Ryland shot Andrew a knowing look and the red head just shook his head with a small laugh. Turning back to the girl, Ryland replied, "It's not a problem! Andrew never cooks for us so this is a nice surprise. Let me go wake Shane up."

Andrew took out the plates from the cupboards for Lexie to place on the dining table and Andrew plated their breakfast foods. Ryland came down stairs with a sleepy Shane in tow and they all sat around the table.

"Oh my god, Lexie, that thing is gigantic," Shane commented, taking a bite of the bacon and pointing at the girl's neck.

Everyone's eyes trailed to the Lexie's neck, where lo and behold there was Andrew's mark of territory in the form of a giant purple bruise. "Oh fuck," Andrew winced, just noticing it.

"Aw shit, it's bad isn't it?" Lexie asked, taking her phone out and opening the front camera. Examining the hickey on her neck, she groaned.

"I am so sorry," Andrew apologized.

"No you are not," Ryland retorted, still gawking at the size of the hickey.

They all laughed as Lexie tried to pull the collar of her dress shirt up to hide it. "It's no use," she muttered, giving up and making a note to pass by Ulta to buy more concealer in an attempt to hide the bruise at work.

The four continued to chat as they had breakfast. Shane and Ryland kept trying to get the other two to admit to having sex and they didn't believe the two when they said that they hadn't yet. After breakfast, Andrew and Lexie left and he dropped her off back at her place.

Andrew had wanted to hang out with her more, but Shane was putting a lot of pressure on him to get this series out by the end of the month so he was going to go back to edit.

"I'm sorry again..." Lexie said as he pulled up in front of the complex. "For this morning."

"What? No, Lex, please don't be."

"I've just been thinking about it and I totally overstepped your boundaries especially after last night and I shouldn't have ev-" She was cut off when he leaned across to give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Baby, everything is good," he replied with a smile. "We're good."

"I like how that sounds coming out of your mouth," she praised as she looked at him dreamily.

They kissed one last time before she got out of his car and made her way to her apartment. Before entering, she waved at him one last time before walking in.

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