29. Up In the Club

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Hi everyone! Just a quick note: for the sake of plot, I'm going to age up all the younger YouTubers mentioned in this story. So please assume that everyone name dropped is 21 or over. Thanks!


Friday night came along and Lexie went straight home after work to get ready. Andrew was already at her place by the time she got there. She wondered why Andrew still bothered to keep his lease and pay rent when he spent most, if not all, of his time either at her place or Shane's.

"You clean up nicely, Siwicki," she complimented as he walked into her room while she was putting on her makeup. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and blue button up shirt. He had also shaved his face completely. She liked his stubble, but was quickly changing her mind on what she preferred on him. He came up to her and caressed his face. She definitely preferred him clean shaven. "I like this," she complimented, giving his chin and cheeks quick kisses.

"Thank you, baby," he said, letting her caress his face. It had been a while since he had completely shaven his beard off, but he overheard Lexie telling Morgan something along the lines of "When he goes down on me, sometimes his stubble scratches the bits and it tickles and lowkey hurts... I don't know how to tell him that though?"

He casually lounged on her bed as she got ready. She slipped into a little red dress that hugged her ass and put on some high heels. She stood at the edge of the bed where Andrew was and coughed to get his attention.

"Woah," he breathed out, looking her up and down. "You look sexy. We should just stay in tonight." He sat up on the edge, and placed a hand on her ass and pulled her on him.

"No way, baby, you're the one who invited me to this thing and I did not spend an hour on my hair and makeup just for you to ravish me," she rejected, getting off of him and making her way for the front door.

"Later, then?" he teased.

"Later, then," she confirmed.

It was about a 15-minute drive from Lexie's place and they decided to take an Uber so that neither of them had to worry about being DD. Once they arrived at the club in downtown West Hollywood, they thanked their ride and got out. The music was playing loudly and could be heard from outside and two bouncers were stationed at the entrance. They gave the bouncers their IDs and waited patiently as they were checked to be on the guest list. James had made this a strict guest-only party and rented out the whole venue solely for his birthday.

The two were ushered in and the music was blaring through the speakers and the place was pretty packed. Lexie felt herself become star struck when everywhere she turned was a YouTuber with millions of subscribers. There were even B-list celebrities here! "I don't belong here," she yelled to Andrew over the music.

"You're my girlfriend, prettier than everyone here, and starred in Shane's video that got 30 million views! You belong here!" Andrew yelled back at her, taking her hand and guiding her to the bar on the other side of the club. Lexie got a cocktail while Andrew ordered his favorite beer on tap and waited for their drinks.

While waiting, James had briefly come up to them and thanked them for coming before he was whisked away by the Vlog squad to take shots.

After Andrew and Lexie had gotten their drinks, Shane found them and ordered their whole group a round of shots, which they happily, but painfully took.

They all continued to enjoy their time, happily drinking and socializing with different people. Lexie even fangirled a little bit when Liza Koshy came up to her and told her how much she enjoyed watching her with Andrew in Shane's last video.

"I'm assuming things are going well since you two are together tonight, right?" Liza asked, a sparkle in her eyes as her eyes darted between Lexie and Andrew who was at the bar trying to get them more drinks.

Lexie nodded, but remembered Shane asking them to be vague about the status of their relationship. So she replied, "We had a fun date so we're getting to know each other more." They chatted for a bit more and Andrew joined in, handing a mojito to Lexie. Liza left shortly after and they downed their drinks before meeting up with the squad on the dance floor.

Lexie and Ryland were the stars of their group as they drunkenly danced to the music, letting it take control of them and not giving a care in the world.

Andrew bumped along to the music and watched as Lexie moved her body to the beat, her hair flying over her shoulders every time she would move her head side to side. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol influencing his thoughts, but he realized, in that moment, that he was in love with this girl. Before he could develop his thoughts further, the figure next to him playfully bumped his shoulder. He turned to his side and remembered Garrett was next to him, giving him a knowing smile.

"You're in love with her!" Garrett said over the music.

Andrew glanced at Lexie again to see if she heard, but obviously she didn't since she still had her arms around Ryland as they danced. "She doesn't know that yet!" Andrew replied back and Garrett nodded.

"You should tell her!"


"Baby, dance with meeee," Andrew heard Lexie whine over the music as she moved her backside against him to the beat.

Lexie saw Tessa Brooks eyeing her man from the corner of the room and she needed to stake her claim. She could feel her boyfriend harden against her ass as she grinded against him. In her tall heels, they lined up to each other perfectly. She smiled over at Tessa satisfyingly as Andrew placed his hands on her hips and move with her to the rhythm. The other brunette huffed and walked in the opposite direction.

'Bitch you had your chance,' Lexie thought to herself, remembering Andrew say in his reveal video that he thought Tessa was cute.

They continued to dance together for a while and ended up making out on the dance floor. They only broke apart when Shane pulled them away from each other and told them to cool it. From the corner of their eyes, they saw James laughing at the scene.

They began sobering up as they sat in a booth with Morgan and Garrett and tried to chat about small things. The talk faltered soon enough because it was hard to have a conversation when you had to yell everything over the music.

"I'm going to pee," Lexie announced, nudging Andrew out of the way so she could exit the booth.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Morgan asked.

"Why do girls always go to the bathroom together?" Andrew asked to no one in particular.

Lexie declined (to prove a point) and made her way to the restroom. There was no line so she went in and did her business. While she was washing her hands, she saw Emma Chamberlain exit the restroom.

After drying her hands, Lexie exited as well and saw Emma reunite with the group she came with. If Emma was here, Ethan probably was too. Her eyes traveled to the tall brunette who put his arm around Emma. Her mouth went dry.

And wherever Ethan was...

Her eyes met the green-rimmed ones she was all too familiar with.

Grayson was sure to follow.

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