28. One Of the Boys

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"So... James is inviting us to his birthday party this Friday night. It's at Rage in West Hollywood and he rented to whole place to make it like a private and exclusive thing." Andrew mentioned, lounging on Lexie's couch as she was doing some tidying up.

"Us? As in you and me?" Lexie asked, her head perking up.

"No, babe, me and my other girlfriend Lexie," he replied sarcastically. He thought she looked so cute with her hair in a messy bun and her little pink Adidas shorts.

Rolling her eyes, she asked, "Who else is going?"

"A lot of people. A bunch of other YouTubers. His friends probably. Shane and Ryland mentioned they're going to drop by for a bit, so Morgan will probably be there too."

"How about Gare-bear?" she asked.

Andrew smiled. He loved how well his best friend and girlfriend got along. The two bonded over some shared mutual nerd interests like Studio Ghibli and obscure indie movies. They also both had an unhealthy obsession with Lara Croft. Andrew didn't get it, but he was glad they had something to bond over. Garrett had also been texting Lexie's brother, so the two somehow got closer because of that. "Not sure. He didn't mention anything."

"Aww. Kay well we can ask him when he comes over in a bit," she mentioned and plopped herself down next to him on the couch.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. "Oh yeah, that's tonight." Wanting to make an effort to get to know Andrew's life outside of YouTube and Shane's squad, Lexie asked if they could have his and Garrett's friends over for a little hang out.

"All they do is drink and play games and stuff. Caleb is also high all the time," Andrew had warned her when they planned it the other week. He laughed at her when she said that literally sounded like a good time.

Later that evening, Garrett, Caleb, Ricky, Matt, and EJ arrived at Lexie's place together. After introductions were made, the boys settled in the living room where they started playing a random movie on Netflix. Garrett went to help Lexie prepare dinner, while Andrew sat with his friends.

"Yo, Andrew," Matt started. "Lexie is like... really pretty."

EJ, who did the podcast with Matt, nodded in agreement with his friend. He was married and loved his wife, but even he had to admit his friend's new girlfriend was a looker.

"Yeah like she was hot in that video, but man in person... I don't blame you for never being home anymore," Ricky commented.

Andrew laughed and said, "Alright, thanks guys, but can you all stop checking her out now?"

They all continued to talk and catch up. The aroma of rice cooking and chicken being fried filled the apartment and they all started to get hungry.

Caleb, with no filter at all, asked, "So how's the sex, Andrew?"

Andrew nearly choked on his beer when he heard Lexie reply from behind him, "Oh it's great. And we have a lot of it." Everyone turned to look at the girl with Garrett behind her. They both had trays with plates of Chicken Stir Fry over rice.

It was silent for a second before Andrew turned bright red and all his friends burst out into a fit of laughter. "That's our boy!" Matt exclaimed rowdily and started clapping.

As everyone laughed, Garrett and Lexie gave each person a plate before plopping down on the couch to eat as well. Garrett sat at the end next to Caleb, while Ricky scooted over so Lexie could sit between him and Andrew.

Ricky let out a satisfied moan and said, "This is amazing. Did you make this, Lexie?"

Lexie blushed and nodded. "Yeah, thanks to Blue Apron. Not sponsored.. but they should."

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