34. Officially Missing You

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A few days had passed and Lexie was not doing well.

She had been wanting to straighten everything out in her life by telling Grayson off in person and talking out her feelings with Andrew, but then her brothers decided that this would be a good time to come visit. Which led her to now: waiting in the arrivals baggage claim at LAX for her two tall nuisances of brothers.

Things didn't exactly work out the way she wanted it to and here she was with two goofs she was related to, while Grayson and Andrew were both in New York for the next week or so for the Creator Summit. She prayed to every god out there that they would not run into each other there, but considering the nature of their industry, she highly doubted that.

Andrew had left the other day to fly to New York for the Summit and the Shorty Awards that would take place afterwards. Lexie and he were still talking – texting each other every now and then, but it didn't feel the same. They didn't have time to see each other before he had been contacted last minute to fly out, and now they both felt like they were in a weird limbo point in their relationship.

Lexie wanted to cry. She hated this feeling of uncertainty. She wanted her and Andrew to be okay again. She wanted to fall asleep with him and hear his cute little laugh and go out and watch dumb movies together. She hated how short and curt their messages to each other were and she just missed him.

Before she could let her eyes water, a loud and booming voice shot her out of her thoughts, "LEX!" She was tackled by a tall male figure and nearly knocked off her feet. Another figure caught her from behind and she was sandwiched by her two brothers who she hadn't seen in a long while.

After exchanging more hugs and pleasantries, Robby asked, "Alright baby sis, where is your boyfriend? I just wanna talk."

Lexie groaned. This was going to be a long trip.



When do your brothers leave?



Thank god it was just as weekend trip






I think you should come here

To New York

After the awards are over


What? Why?


I don't know

Things are weird

I think it would be good for us


Yeah I think it would be too


I love you, you know that right?


Of course I do

I love you too

And just like that Andrew had bought her a round trip flight to New York the same day Lexie's brothers were set to head back home.

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