13. Hopes and Dreams

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When everyone was gone, Andrew moved his body so he was facing the girl. "Do you wanna go first?"

"Sure," Lexie said and thought about her answer. "This is going to sound really cliché. I want to travel the world. My dream destinations are Santorini, Greece and Reykjavík, Iceland." She paused and he watched as her eyes sparkled as she thought of those destinations. "I could literally pack a bag and go tomorrow, but... I want to experience those places with someone special, you know?" Andrew nodded, knowing where she was going with this tangent. "They are such romantic places and I just think... it would be nice to be so deep in love with someone and sharing that experience with them."

By the end of it, she had her chin in her hand and looked at him dreamily. "I-wow, I don't even know how I can top that. I think that might be my new dream too," he replied with a chuckle as he looked down at her.

She smiled back at him and said, "Well that would be convenient. Hit two birds with one stone, right?"

He nodded, "In a perfect world..."

"Tell me about your unaccomplished dreams, Andrew," Lexie said as she took a bite of the salad, then her burrito bowl.

Andrew laughed as he watched her cheeks expand from all the food. "Career wise... I feel pretty content. Like obviously I can't do this forever..." He said gesturing to the camera. "So I guess I'm trying to figure that out." He scratched the back of his neck, not entirely sure what his answer to this question would be. "Ok, I always dreamt of being a talent agent. I'm the type of person who likes to play a supporting role in peoples' lives and help others be their best selves so I think I wanna do that in the future."

"What's holding you back from doing that now?" she asked.

"Because being Shane's cameraman and editor means I do get to do those things now. So I feel pretty good about where I am in life right now and maybe my dream to be a talent agent is something in store for my future."

"Andrew, that was beautiful!" Lexie complimented, genuinely impressed on his statements. Admitting to being a follower rather than a leader was very admiring to her and she felt her respect level for him rise tenfold. "I think it's very respectable to be the type of person who wants to help instead of being the one who wants to be the center of attention."

They both looked at each other adoringly and without thinking, Andrew blurted out, "I like you a lot." After realizing that he said out loud what he was thinking, his face turned a bright red. "Oh fuck."

Lexie gasped, unsure if she heard correctly what he just said. "Wait, what?"

"I didn't say anything," he lied.

"Andrew Swicki! Oh my god," she said in disbelief. "OH my god."

"I didn't say anything!!" he exclaimed, trying not to freak out.

Her face started to burn up too. Feeling bold all of a sudden she blurted out, "I like you too! Like a lot..."

Andrew covered his face and leaned back down so he was laying on his back. He felt like he was a teenager again, which was ridiculous considering he was a grown man. He heard her giggle then felt her lay down next to him. Their shoulders and hips were touching and he felt her wiggle her way under his arm. He pulled his hands from his face and pulled her in then said, "You will be the death of me."

All she did was laugh into his ear and he felt like he was on a cloud. He tilted his head to look down at her and he felt like he could kiss her right now.

"Alright, alright, you guys are cute. We get it," Shane said, clapping as he made his way back to the duo. "Don't get us demonetized."

They both looked up at him, a bit annoyed that he had ruined their moment.

"I have your next question," Shane stated, pulling out his phone.

Lexie sat up, her elbows propping her up. "I feel like we don't need these questions..." she admitted. Andrew sat up, looking at Shane expectantly.

"You guys will thank me when you fall in love at the end of this date!" Shane snapped at them. "How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?"

It got quiet as they all thought on the questions. When Lexie didn't say anything, Andrew and Shane looked over at her. "Hey, you okay?" he asked as he nudged her with his elbow.

"Uh, yeah," she responded. "Do I have to answer this on camera?" She asked, looking at Shane.

Shane shook his head. "Not if you're uncomfortable with it."

"You don't even have to talk about it with me. Shane has a whole bunch of other questions he can ask," Andrew said, a concerned look crossing his face.

Lexie smiled weakly at both of them. "I-I'm fine! I think it's okay with you guys, but I don't think I want the whole world to know about it?"

Andrew nodded, "Okay, let's go." He stood up and held his hand out to her. She took it and jumped on her feet.

As he led her towards the water, Lexie turned her head to look at Shane and said, "Thanks, Shane."

Shane smiled and nodded at her and waved. He turned the camera towards himself and said, "I don't wanna force her to do anything. This is all so crazy. I think we all wanna know what she has to say, but I can't make her say it in front of the camera. If she does open up to him, I think it will put them on a deeper level. Do I actually believe they'll fall in love at the end of this? Hell no, but I think they'll really like each other."


Spring break bitches!! I'm gonna be on vacation for a week and unsure about WiFi situation so we may have to take a week hiatus on updates, but I'll try to pump out as much as I can before I leave on Sunday!

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