15. Needy

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"I'm really needy when it comes to love and affection," Lexie admitted. They were both sat on the blanket underneath the umbrella again. Andrew was in his element behind the camera and had it trained on the girl as she answered Shane's latest question.

"Needy in what way? What's your love language?" he asked.

She smiled at him and replied, "Physical touch and words of affirmation."

"Oh, you are needy," he shot back playfully.

Lexie gave him a playful gasp and grabbed the camera from him. She shot the camera at the red head, made sure it was in focus, and asked him, "What's your love language, huh?"

"Hmmm," he thought about it. "Acts of service and quality time. I mean I like physical touch as much as the next guy too, but yeah. I'm more of a giver when it comes to those things, but when I receive, I like it when it means something. I guess?"

Lexie nodded her head and suggestively commented, "Yeah I get what you mean. You're a giver, I'm a receiver... we're perfect for each other, right?"

"Lex," Andrew called.

"Andrew," she answered back.

"Turn off the camera," he commanded, before grabbing it and putting it aside.

Getting his drift, Lexie giggled and let him lean in to kiss her. She cupped his face in her hands as he let one arm circle around her waist, pulling her towards him. He felt her hum into the kiss and he smiled. She deepened the kiss, trying to feel more of him.

Without the cameras on them, they felt bolder. Andrew pulled her up to straddle him and their kiss got more heated. Her tongue grazed his lips as she felt him harden underneath her. His hands gripped her waist, pressing their bodies as close together as he could get it.

They pulled away to catch their breaths. Andrew let out a low groan as Lexie moved her hands to his shoulders and adjusted herself on his lap. She let out a small laugh before she kissed him again. He kissed back with equal vigor and let his hands wander lower on her back.

And then his phone rang. Loud and proud.

An audible groan erupted from his throat and he pulled away from her. He grabbed his cell phone to see a derpy picture of Shane fill the screen. "Hello?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"I see I struck a nerve," Shane sneered.

"Kinda," Andrew replied, groaning when Lexie dismounted him with a giggle.

"Oh my god are you guys...?"

"What?" Andrew asked. "No!" 'Almost...'

"I don't wanna know," was Shane's reply. Then he laughed and said, "Just kidding. I wanna hear all about it later. Anyways, we're almost done here so come head over."

"Alright, be there soon." They hung up and he looked over at the girl next to him to see she was reapplying her lip gloss. When she was done, she turned her head up to him and popped her lips. "I take that as a sign that I can't kiss you anymore."

"Not unless you want all this sticky stuff all over you," she said, pointing her finger to her lips.

"It'd probably be worth it," he admitted with a smile.

Lexie laughed and stood up. She reached her hand out for him to take, which he did. They gathered all of the beach props and made way back to Andrew's car. 


This might be my last update for a bit! Most likely going to update next Saturday but I'll see if I'll have internet to post before then. Thanks y'all :)

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