Chapter 15

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~ Amethyst Eyes ~

~ Chapters 15 ~

~ Not Edited ~

A sly grin pulled at Skye’s lips. “Say it Ward, say it.”

“You sunk my battleship.” He mumbled with a frown.

Skye gloated as Silver passed by. “Hey, how’d everything go in the Tower?” She asked with a dreamy sigh.

“Fine.” A tight lipped smile pulled at her lips.

Skye raised her eyebrow as the two watched Silver walk away. “So, grumpy pants is happy and little miss sunshine is missing her glow, todays going to be one of those days huh?”

May stepped up beside Phil as he overlooked the exchange between the trio.

“I heard the two of you arguing last night. Is everything okay?”

“She’s lost and I don’t know how to help.”

“This is Silver we’re talking about Phil. She’ll be all right, just give her time.” An alarm rang from the briefing room, signaling a new mission for the team.

“Chan Ho Yin. Just a struggling street performer until a few years ago, when Chan began to show signs of moderate pyro kinetic abilities.” Phil started the briefing.

“What gave him powers?” Fitz inquired with confusion.

“We don’t know. He live near a power plant when it caught fire but no other residents show similar traits.” Phil acknowledged the possibility of Chan’s power originating from the fire.

“So how did we find out about him?” Simmons questioned.

“Informants saw him lighting torches in a street show, with his pinky." May wiggled her pinky for emphases.

“The informants brought him to S.H.I.E.L.D.s attention. We told him to keep his powers under wraps and he’s been on the Index ever since.” Phil added.

“The Index?” Skye brows pulled together in confusion.

“A list that S.H.I.E.L.D uses to keep track of objects and people with powers.” Silver explained.

“To keep them safe and out of harm’s way.” Phil clarified.

“But there has been some occasions where S.H.I.E.L.D has had to take action.” Ward remarked.

“Action against objects or people?” Skye looked between Ward and May with a grimace. “Well that’s drastic with a side of creepy.”

“Mr. Chan was low risk. He was assigned a case agent to check in with every few days, that’s how they discovered him missing.” Phil patched the video com through to Agent Kwan.

May greeted Agent Kwan, Chan’s case agent as he appeared on the screen before the team.

“Your report states that you’ve caught Mr. Chan breaking his parole before?” Phil questioned for clarification on the matter as he assessed the information they had so far.

“Yes, Mr. Chan is a magician so at first we thought he had just made himself disappear but this time he was taken by professionals, all they left behind was a scrap of aluminum material.” Kwan held an evidence bag containing the material up to the camera.

“Fire proof fabric.” Simmons recognized the material instantly.

“So whoever took him, knew about his powers?”

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