Chapter 19

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~ Amethyst Eyes ~

~ Chapters 19 ~

~ Not Edited ~

“What is this?” Amethyst questioned the Asgardian healers as she lay on a table with flickering gold images floating above her whilst the healers tried to identify the red liquid within her.

“Be still.” A healer ordered her as she moved.

“It’s a quantum field generator.”  Silver answered offhandedly, her boredom evident.

“It is a soul forge.” The healer corrected Silver.

Her eyebrows rose in challenge. “Does a soul forge transform molecular energy from one place to another?”

“Silver.” Amethyst warned.

The healers gaped at the grinning mortal. “Yes?”

“Quantum field generator.” Thor looked to Silver with pain and longing as she grinned in triumph. She reminded him so much of Loki, the brother he had all but given up on.

All heads turned to face the All-Father as he frowned in disapproval. “Are my words mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?”

“She is ill.” Thor reasoned.

“She is mortal.” Odin shut down the soul forge and dismissed the healers. “Illness is their defining trait.”

“I brought her here because we can help her.”

“She doesn’t belong here on Asgard any more than a goat belongs at a banquet table.”

Silvers mouth twisted with anger. “Who do you think you are?” She hissed with clenched fists. They may be at each other’s throats for the time being but Silver couldn’t deny that she still cared for her sister and she wouldn’t just stand by as someone so bluntly insulted her.

“I am Odin.” Amethyst cringed as she realized just whom her sister had challenged. “King of Asgard, protector of the nine realms.”

“I’m-” Amethyst attempted to introduce herself and apologize.

“I know very well who you are.” He interrupted. “Amethyst and Silver Coulson.”

“Aw, you told your dad about us?” Silver teased.

Thor cleared his throat as heat spread to his cheeks. “Something is within her father, something I have never seen before.”

“Her world has their healers and they are called doctors, let them deal with it.” He growled. “Guards, take them back to Midgard!”

“No! Don’t touch her!” Silver slipped behind Thor for protection as he shouted at the guards whom marched toward Amethyst and grasped her arms, as predicted; a red blast erupted from her on contact.

“Impossible.” Odin whispered in disbelief as he examined the liquid in Amethysts veins.

“The infection is defending her.”

“No.” Thor frowned. “It’s protecting itself.”

“Come with me.” Thor, Amethyst and Silver followed Odin as requested. “There are relics that predate the universe itself, what lies within her appears to be one of them.”

Odin approached a podium that held a book on the nine realms. “The nine realms are not eternal. They had a dawn as they will have dusk but before that dawn the dark forces, the dark elves reined absolute and unchallenged.”

“Born of eternal night, the dark elves come to steal away the light.” Thor spoke with recognition. “I know these stories, mother told them to us as children.”

Amethyst and Thor became fixated as Odin continued to tell the story of the dark elves allowing Silver the perfect opportunity to slip away unnoticed.

Silver ducked out of sight as the sound of marching filled the hall; it was Fandral and other warriors leading a shipment of prisoners to the dungeons. “Loki.”

Checking that the coast was clear, Silver ducked around the corner and slipped through the closing door unnoticed as the guards disappeared around a corner within the huge dungeon.

Creatures of all shapes and sizes lined the corridors in glowing cells, one in particular catching her eye.

"My god you’re ugly." Loki's head shot up as the startlingly familiar voice echoed throughout the prison from down the hall.  


"Silver? What are you doing here?" He eyed the woman curiously as she came into view, a flash emitting from a small device nestled in her hands.

"I'm observing the God of Mischief is his natural habitat." She replied cheerfully.

"Though I'm not entirely sure I approve of the whole Dracula thing you've got going on."

Loki rolled his emerald eyes at her comment. "Why are you really here, on Asgard?"

“Amethyst contracted some alien relic virus called the Aether so He-man thought it was a brilliant idea to bring us here; they’re probably still speaking with Dumbledore." She continued to take numerous photos on her phone as she explained her sister’s situation.

"Shouldn't you be with them and not be angering the prisoners?" He ignored her confusing remarks. 


“Something troubles you.” His emerald orbs pierced through her.

“Let’s just say, you and I have a lot more in common than anyone could have ever thought.”

His eyebrows disappeared into his unruly hair with curiosity. “Enlighten me.” He urged her to explain.

She never intended to tell him the whole story but at some point she had sunken to the floor beside his cell and spewed out every itty-bitty detail of the past few months with Loki listening intently from behind the energy field. “I just can’t believe she didn’t tell me, we tell each other everything.” She whispered her eyes distant.

“The one’s we love most are the ones whom bestow upon us the most painful of betrayals my dear.”

A/N: Moving is finally over! (Fist pump!!) I hope you all enjoy this chapter of Amethyst Eyes!

And don’t forget to…

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