
905 23 13

so like what i've said, today's the last day for those who wanted to join this story.

it's still open but only until 12 am, which is 4 hours away from now.

so the only characters open is;

the rest is taken uwu

anyways, again, if you plan on joining, here's what you need:
love interest
back-up love interest

the one who signed up for jeongin kinda poofed away? idk but they're gone now. if you know them, sadly i don't remember the account's name sorry, please kindly inform me.

if no one decides to join until later, i will think of a name and close this.

i couldn't finish the story because i was lacking with the names lmao.

and to those who wants to join, i don't need a character's background or something so don't try to include some please. my pride gets hurt a little lmao.

sorry and uwu byebyeeee

district 9 | stray kidsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang