Chapter 4

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Beginning of Something

Today I woke up before Anna. I made our coffee, toasts and scrambled eggs. Gathered everything in a tray and went to her room. I didn't bother to knock. C'mon she is a girl and my best friend , who knocks on their best friend's door??
She was snoring lightly when I kept the tray on her bedside table. "Ann?Anna wake up. I brought you breakfast. C'mon get up !!" I said pushing her leg aside to make space for myself to sit.
"Good morning" she said groggily. "Morning" I said helping her sit against the headboard. "Thanks for breakfast in bed" she said half yawning. You might be wondering why is she not shocked seeing me awake so early. Well let me tell you I do this quite often. Like once in a month, maybe;)When you have friends who treat you like family, they become your family. Anna is just like my sister, elder though:/ because of her rampant nagging. She is special and I leave no opportunity to make her feel the same. Anna too loves me more than anyone, I know. She will not admit it on my face. But who are we kidding?
"Really? No need of thanks, just appreciate the toast and eggs even if they don't taste ok." I quickly handed her, her coffee and plate of breakfast. "So how was your day?" she asked with a mouthful of toast. "Yesterday was OK and we completed the look for poster of the leads. And don't speak while eating." For an unknown reason, I don't know why but I didn't feel like telling her about the little conversation I had with Hero. I strongly felt to keep that just to myself. That special thing is just for me and I won't let anyone feast on that knowledge. "OK???" Anna snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I asked confused because I didn't hear what she said. "You are telling me that you are shooting with the biggest crush of your life and it just went Ok. Like you had a ok day" She looked at me with an amused expression. "Yes obviously I mean. I was happy to see him and a bit nervous too. But I was working there. He is working there. And that's it. I am unnoticeable anyway." I said quickly scanning my newspaper for God knows what. "Hmm, anyway you are lucky to meet your crush in real. I mean look at me. Bradley Cooper has gone for direction now, so I can't meet him." she said making a sad expression which made me laugh. "Ok enough of crush crush now. We need to go to work and don't worry Mill and Fatty will pick me up. Cause we need to go to site today. " Saying this I ran to the bathroom.
Mill and Fatty are on time. Godddddd !!!! What is it with everyone to be on time.. I mean we will be 15 minutes early than scheduled. "Hey hop on quick !!" Fatty shouted from the passenger seat as I opened the back door. "What's the rush for?"I asked gasping for breath. "We need to go a long way and because I need to reach early. Glacy needs help doing Inanna's hair."
"OK. Anyway I will start with the scenes today here. Mill you can work on the other cast members profile pic. I will fix the focul length and shutter speed for you." "Aye Aye Captain!!" Mill chuckled.

We entered the Washington State University campus after a long drive. The campus is amazing, I must say. With lush green landscape and pre- modern era architecture, this surely will give me so much of a view.
"Guys please leave me here. I want to take in all of it." I quickly jumped out of the car and did my goodbyes.
I took out my phone and started clicking random pics. A soccer field behind the main building, administrative block, and the dorms. While I was busy doing my preparation, I entered the soccer field to take the picture of the track surrounding it. I am all alone as the students are not allowed in this part during our shoot timing. I was busy doing my preparation when I heard someone running behind me. It's 6.30 in the morning so someone must be doing morning run.
"Hey!" I quickly turned to the voice. Hero was out of breath. Must have been running for a while now. "Hi. I was preparing for the place. What are you doing?" I asked. He gave me a look which I couldn't understand.
But then it hit me.
"Ohh I obviously know that you are running but I meant why are you running now. We have to start in some time and". He cut me off "I have enough time to change a T-shirt and wash my face. And anyway you wanted my hair to be messed up. Isn't it?" He smirked. I was utterly shocked and stood there like a stone. He smiled on my shocked and confused face biting his lower lip. Maybe he understood my unreactive reaction. Before I could comprehend my reply he ran away.
I then realized what exactly happened. I smiled realizing his playful mood. "This day is going to be interesting" I said.
It definitely will ...
We were outside the dorm rooms. The room here is of the exact size of my own bedroom. There are two beds at either side of the door. One is near a big window on the right. The wall has been covered with all kind of posters. From fashion magazines to musical bands to random models. The bed on the left is near a wall which is absolutely clean. We have put only yellow and dim lights around the room.
The room which we have taken is on the ground floor and at extreme corner of the building so we can have the open lane for driving/parking in view. I like that actually. All you have to do is open your door, take a left, walk a few steps and you are in your car.
We started with the scenes. Josephine has been casted to play the other lead opposite Hero. They really look good together.
This scene is her entry in the college for the first time. I asked them to use more boxes than bags because you get nothing in your bags other than clothes. And you don't move in  with just clothes, right?We move with them towards the room. Khadija whose role I didn't actually get, is already present. I really like Fatty's work on her. Red hear, skimpy clothes, piercings .She can carry that look which others might despise and make it look good. I rest the camera on their study desk opposite the door. I am connected with Jemmy and the entire unit through my wireless. Because the room is small, everyone is outside the room except me and Patrick.
"Cut!!" Patrick shouts and walks towards the girls to give them briefing about something I don't know. I ask Jemmy about the camera angle to which she nods and gives a thumbs up.
Patrick then walks out of the room and stands on the door frame. I stand on the bed at the extreme corner on the back zooming on the door. A room as small as this is currently accommodating 5 people including me when Hero walks in with another guy. Without saying a word he comes and stands against the study desk where I was standing a minute ago. He wore a black T-shirt which didn't cover his tattoos on arms. A black jeans and black shoes. He actually did change only his Tshirt  after run.He also made his hair messier, just like I wanted. He was standing in front of me facing the other people.

What do you do when you have to look distracted ? You look here there everywhere but not at the person talking. He was doing exactly the same except he used me as his distraction. He looked everywhere in the deep corners of the room and then his eyes got fixed on me.
When everyone looked at him, he gave a nod and walked out of the room without a single word.
"Cut !!"
Rest of the day went smoothly. We shot only in the room with Josephine and Khadija.
After packup I sat with Jemmy to discuss about the scenes done today and agenda for tomorrow.
While I was leaving I heard Hero near another car laughing with Dylan on something. I gave a quick goodbye to everyone and climbed in Mill's car before my eyes met Hero's which were on me. He smiled and waved his hand. I returned the same as we drove away.

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