Chapter 18

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Can we just talk?

Hero's POV

When I came back to Jemmy's house after spending the entire evening in bowling and eating impalpable tacos with Swen, Sam, Dylan, Jo and Inanna, I was too tired to do my laundry or anything else so I just jumped in my bed. I checked my phone for any text and my eyes light up seeing Nirvana's message.
Hope you are back home by now. I missed you.
It is surprising that simple words like this can make my whole mood. I sit up against the headboard and text her back
Yes I am back baby. I told ya...
I wait for her reply while checking my Instagram, which is a rarity but nothing comes. She must have been asleep. I turn my phone down on the bedside table and drift off to sleep. Next morning I wake up to a loud thud. I scratch my head and walk out of the room. "What is it?" I ask yawning . "Sorry Hero" Tim says while hammering another nail on the wall against the guest room where I am accommodating myself. "Just wanted to hang this" he said gesturing towards the painting. "That is exquisite" I say looking at the fine piece of art. I walk back to the room, take my shower, wear a clean white Tshirt and black sweatpants. I help myself with a bowl of muesli and milk before running out. When I reach the set, I move to my trailer and get ready for my scenes. "Hero you are suppose to be shirtless" Fatima remarked when I walked in. I look over at Jo who was wearing a white ripped denim shorts and wrapped a towel across her chest. Her weird outfit told me what was coming next. I took off my shirt and sat in the bathtub which was filled with water and lot of foam and soap lather. Jo took my hand and stepped in, and sat between my legs. I searched for Nirvana and found her near the camera like always. When our eyes met, I smiled at her but she turned away. And that was enough to tell me that a storm was coming.
It has been three days straight since I texted her that night. There is no reply of my text or calls. Whenever we are in the set, she is busy doing something or just avoiding me. Something is definitely up but she is not telling me or hell , even talking to me. I asked Fatima and Millwen, but they said they are equally unaware. My head is pounding out of frustration. Four fucking days, and now I can't take it anymore. I should not be taking it anyway. After the shooting is done, I walk straight to Nirvana. She looks up at me. And before she could utter a single word, my hands grab her by her arm. To my surprise, she doesn't yank away or try to move away as expected. It is like she doesn't have the strength to do that, as if I am dragging a lifeless soul to my trailer. I don't let go off her until we are inside my vanity. "We need to talk" I said turning back to her after locking the door and hanging a handwritten 'DND' flashcard on the window.It is then, I see her face closely. Her eyes are tired, the dark circles around them telling about her sleepless nights. She looks exhausted and frail. Her eyes drifting somewhere I don't know but I care to know. "Can I use the washroom?" she whispered. "Yes" I say moving out of her way as she keeps her bag and phone on my dresser. I can't see her like this. Pale and worn out. And I am ready to do anything to know the cause. I look back at the closed door when my eyes shift back on the dresser. I have not done this before but something tells me that I will find my answer or atleast something helpful in her phone. Forgive me for sneeking in your phone Nirvana. I check her call log but find nothing. What was I looking for anyway in there?
I check her messages. I mentally kick myself for not going to her, when I hear her coughing in the washroom. Is she vomiting? God !!!!! What should I do? I was about to lock her phone to go and check on her when a message popped up from an unknown number. I clicked on it
You thought you are the one for him. Isn't it?
Not your fault.
What the fuck is this? I scrolled up to see the past messages when I see a picture which knocked me out of my senses.
It was me kissing Jo against a wall. It was not during the shoot ofcourse because of the random and poor angle of clicking. Even though my back faced the camera, my tall frame and hair was unmistakable. It looked like I caught her off guard. I looked at the picture carefully when memory hit me. "What the hell are you doing?" Nirvana snatched the phone from my hand shouting. "How can you go through my phone without asking me?" she shouted. Her eyebrows and eyelashes were wet after she washed her face repeatedly after vomiting. "Is this is what kept you away?" I asked in horror. The horror of seeing her in pain because of some reckless stupid ass stuff like this. She didn't say a word and turned to walk out but I caught her by her wrist. "You cannot leave without listening" I said pulling her close to me. "If you don't want to be with me, you need to have the fucking guts to say that on my face" she shouted in a voice reflecting anger and sadness at the same time. "Hero don't..." tears brimmed her eyes as I cupped her face in my hand. "Listen to me Nirvana. It is nothing. It is nothing serious at all" I said in the most convincing voice. "Hero you don't have to explain anything. I get it. This was bound to happen and" I cut her off "No you don't get it. It is from our workshop days" I said as she stared at me in confusion. "I know everyone thinks that me and Jo didn't meet after casting which is quite true. But we did meet in LA a week before this filming started" I said making her sit on the chair near my dresser. "In that one week, we read the script together and also did a few pre- filming scenes so that by the time, the actual work starts here, we are comfortable in doing the intimate scenes" I said pulling her chair close to my bed. "It was prerequisite" I added. "So it is not that you guys are kissing behind my back?" she asked in relief. "No. We are not. I swear I would never do that" I said looking at her in the eyes. She went quite for a minute, making me nervous about what was going on, in her head. And before I could ask her the same, she jumped on me. Her arms around me, hugging me tightly with such force that I fell back on the mattress. "Oh My God I am such an idiot like seriously" she squealed. I held her tight and rolled over to be able to look at her. Finally the color of her face somewhat returning. "You should have at least talked to me about this" I said. Rather than torturing herself with this shit, we could have easily solved this misunderstanding. "I know I acted dumb. But I was too scared to face your rejection. I mean she is Jo and she is.. you know" she said hiding her face. "She is a great friend, I agree but nothing more" I said confidently. Jo is really cool and fun but I never felt anything different for her. Not that anything is wrong with her, but we just clicked as friends. "I am sorry. I am such a fool" she said hiding her face in my chest out of embarrassment. "Promise me that you will talk about things like this and not just keep it to yourself " I said making her look at me. She nodded and kissed my forehead. "Who sent you this by the way?" I asked getting back to the topic. "I don't know" she said sitting up straight.
"Whoever this person is, he is trying to create trouble between us with his shit talks" I said, finally after going through all the messages. "Yeah. I know. And I let him mess up my mind" she said looking down at her feet. "Hey? Don't let him. Don't let him mess with what is between us" I said pulling her close. "I will deal with this" I said taking her phone which she snatched back. "No you will not" she swatted my hand away. "Why not?" I asked not seeing any reason. "Because you are busy. Hero c'mon I can't let you deal with this shit right now. You have so much already going on. It is not the right time for this" she said placing her phone in her bag. "But whoev-" she cuts me off placing her finger on my lips. "Trust me. I can deal with this now" she said assuring. "You have to trust me Nirvana" I said against her finger. "And you will let me know about everything" I added. "Okay" she removed her finger but I laced it with mine. "I like you" I said kissing her knuckle. "I like you too" she said as the words fade away only in our kiss.

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