Chapter 5

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Change of heart

Day 3
Scene 7
Camera 1
🎬 Action !!!
Today we are in a classroom.
And almost everyone is in the frame today. Some students have been asked to sit randomly. I have strictly asked them not to look at the camera. The classroom is big with around 60 seats. We are making a proper classroom scene.
"Cut !!"
"Mill ask that boy to stop looking at Josephine!!!" I shouted from the opposite corner of the room.
"You can call me Jo. Everyone calls me that." she said smiling at me. I smiled back "Sure. Let's do that again now."
"Action !! "
I am standing in a corner near the white board. Hero who was sitting at the back comes forward and sits eyeing Jo. They exchange a look. He gives a mischievous look to her. They are studying English.
Quite a subject !
I notice Hero's Tshirt and ...........


"Fatty should I get my hair colored too? What do you think? Few strikes of pink just to highlight , you know what I mean?" I said walking past the vanities. "Sure !! And then they will cast you for what After 2? she said nudging me. "What about red huh?? It will look good" she said pointing at Khadija and Pia. "Naaaah C'mon I was just kidding. I am not gonna do anything like that. You know me". "No but I am serious. Let's do it. How will you know if you don't try ? Come baby let me do it for you" she said dipping her brush in a red paint container she was carrying. "Are you mad!!!! This is not even hair color. This is paint." I said running away from her. "Arreee let's just try na. We can do this. Look" and she shook the brush, to strike my tank top. "You crazy Fatty !!!!!! No don't do that" I dodged before that brush hits me.
That's when I hit a hard chest. Wearing a black T-shirt now with a red streak.
My eyes travelled up his neck then his eyes and then my breath was knocked out of my body.
His burning gaze gave me such shock that my body repulsed back. But I didn't move. I realized his hands were holding my arms to prevent me from falling. I looked at the ground as he released his grip.
"I am so sorry !! It is my fault. I am really very very sorry for that. I will bring another Tshirt for you." Fatty apologized.
I stared at her angrily .You are going to be the death of me woman . Literal death.
"No. It's ok .I was anyway going to my Vanity to change."
"Oh Ohk Alright " Fatty said and ran away. Wtf ???!!! How could she just leave me and run away.
I stood there clueless but I could feel his eyes on me. And that is why I didn't raise my eyes away from the ground. "So.. seems like you don't want me to wear black today. Huh?" he asked me in a teasing tone. "I am sorry. I really am."  I whispered ,still not looking at him.
Without saying a word he grabbed my hand and started walking towards his vanity which was a few steps away.
He opened the door and climbed inside not leaving my hand.
"Choose" He said showing me a rack on which a number of T-shirts were hanging. "I can't do that". Why is he doing this ?"Ofcourse you can. I can wear any of these other than black" he shrugged. "Ok then wear this" I unhooked a T-shirt randomly and handed him that olive green Tshirt. "Alright" he  took it and and took off his shirt in one quick motion. It's not new for me to see boys with toned and amazing body go shirtless but something in me made my eyes shut. I heard him chuckle. "It's not something you haven't seen or you are not gonna see" he exclaimed. "Still .... anyway I am just sorry ..uh .. I think I should go now" saying this I turned back , opened the door and ran out of the vanity.

"Cut !! "
And I am back to present.

After the planned scenes I was busy editing the color range with Mill when Fatty came and sat on my lap. I removed by legs almost pushing her and she fell flat. Huhh !! "That was a dick move Vani" she sat rubbing her ass and knee. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes. "Look I am sorry ok ? I know you are angry on me but c'mon I apologised. I was just fooling around."she said making a puppy face. Sorry not happening. She will never get how I felt in front of Hero because of her 'fooling' stunt. I looked away from her. "I am sorry. But you should be thankful too" she added. What? What did she just say ? "I mean at least you got minutes with him" she said giddily. What the fuck is wrong with her? "C'mon I am sorry Vani. Plea". "Stop !! Just stop Fatty. You don't get it. You don't understand how embarrassing that was. Minutes together? Seriously? Fuck it all !!! " I shouted on her and didn't let her finish her shit. I stood up pushing the chair way too hard that it fell back on the floor.
Jo, Khadija, Sam , Dylan and Hero were playing something a few feet away. But my voice and the sound of the chair caught their attention.
I didn't bother to apologise or anything. I dont want to look at him when he is looking at me. So I simply ran away with tears brimming in my eyes.
I grabbed my bag from unit's room and ran out of the college. I passed the gate flashing my entry card and walked straight to the bus stop nearby.
I was impatiently waiting for the bus when Mill came with his car.
"Vani why are you here? I have been looking for you. Oh God ! are you crying?" he looked at me worried. "I just want to go home. Please just let me go home." I was in no mood for further explanation. "Ok fine ,just calm down ok? I will drop you"Mill said. "No I don't want to go w-" "I will pick her up later. Just sit!" Mill read my mind. I sat in the passenger seat and he drifted off.

Minutes passed in silence. But either of us didn't speak. I looked at Mill who glanced at me at the exact moment. Should I tell him?
He must know what this fuss is all about. As if he heard my thoughts out loud, Mill gave me a understanding smile and said "I know all of it." I looked at him surprised. He continued "Fatty told me." I sighed taking a breath of relief. Atleast I won't have to start with the story all over. "So ?" I asked for his view. "So you tell me what's bothering you so much? I mean Vani I know something is eating you up but you have to tell me what it is?" He looked over me and parked the car in front of my apartment. "I don't know."
I seriously don't know what is bothering me so much. I can't control my emotions when Hero is around. And the fact that I did something embarrassing is just pissing me off.
"Hey Vani " Mill cupped my face and rubbed his thumb against  my cheek , rubbing off my tears which I didn't realize had fallen.
"If it is about the embarrassment. You know it's completely fine. Everybody fools around. You were fooling around too. And there is nothing to feel bad about it. Nobody is going to kick you out of the project for this. And as far as Hero is concerned, he didn't even mind about it." I looked at Mill and he was not kidding. "He is of our age. He won't take that shit any seriously. He is goofing around all the time. Infact when Swen asked him regarding his shirt 'why the certain change of mind' he shrugged off saying 'its change of heart'. So even he didn't take it any seriously then why are you getting all worked up?"
Mill has a point. And Hero's act after that didn't prove any fit of anger either. I think I am overthinking. Poor Fatty, I blew up on her for no reason. When I looked up at Mill, he was already smiling. "Will you stop that?" I spat his shoulder. "Stop what?" he asked confused. "Stop reading my mind" I said drinking water from my bottle. "Obviously that's what friends are for" he snatched the bottle from me. "I don't know. It's just that I don't want anything minutest possible to cause wrong to this project" I said looking down on my hands. "And that minutest is impossible. Cause you are the best. Jemmy loves your insight in the scenes. Infact she was all praisy praisy about you to Anna Todd" he said resting his elbow on my shoulder." Really?" I asked out of surprise. "I never lie baby" he winked at me and gave that million dollar smile."And that's the biggest lie" I said shaking my head. I got off the car and turned around to say goodbye before walking to my apartment.

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