Chapter 17

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Fan forever

When we reached the set, everyone was busy preparing the location. Near the entrance, some girls were standing and talking in hushed voices until they saw us coming. We instantly let go off our hands. Hero waves the girls chanting his name and gets busy taking pictures with them, while I walk past the fans to get to my work.
What if I had not been in this profession? Would I have been among those girls too? Standing with a book or Hero's poster in hand for autograph with camera ready to click selfies. Even then, would Hero have noticed me or liked me?
I don't know. But whatever happens, happens for a reason. And I am grateful for this.
"Hey all set?" I asked reaching Mill. "Yup !! Where were you?" He asked setting the camera down. "I was with Hero" I said looking straight at him to observe his reaction which to my surprise was warm. "Uh I see" he smiled back. "Yeah" I bited my lip. "Hey! Anyway you forgot your phone so Anna gave it to me" he said handing my phone out. "Umm Thanks" I took it and placed it in my pocket without checking it. "Everything ok?" Mill asked seeing my uneasiness. "Yes ofcourse" I said before taking the camera in my hand.
"What the hell !!" I half shouted half whispered as Jo threw a pillow towards the camera while fighting with Hero. "Easy Tessa" I smiled at her. Jo is a goober. Playing pranks, acting like a goofball or laughing for nothing, that's her thing. When the shot is done, Jo kicks Tessa out in a snap of fingers. I have so much fun watching them that sometimes I ask them to just be themselves. And we get some good montages of them fighting over a nugget, Hero tickling Jo hard or Jo stuffing grapes in Hero's mouth.
We also shot a scene where Hardin reads Pride and Prejudice to Tessa, staying overtime in the library. "Start it" I ask Mill to start the camera cart so that I can capture Hardin and Tessa running out of the building followed by the guard. "Hero you need to take short strides to match Jo so let's do this again" I say moving back to my position. We complete the scene after three retakes. I show the entire shot to Jemmy in correct motion, slower than usual. "That's a good shot Nirvana" Jemmy says patting my back before calling it a day.
"Vani, aren't you feeling hot? I mean why the hell are you wearing that hideous shrug on your top?" Fatty asked while we walked to the unit room. "No. It's not that hot" I lied. I'm new to all of this and it can't get anymore embarrassing for me to see my friends seeing all the marks Hero left on my shoulder and collarbone during our "chilling out" time. My phone vibrated in my back pocket making me choke on my own words. I took it out but felt anxious. What if it's another message from that person? I crossed my fingers and unlocked it, letting out a quick breathe. Hero messaged me that he is going out with the cast and how much he wanted me to join him. I as usual declined the offer, stating how busy I am with work, which I obviously am. Almost everyone knows about us and nobody has ever said or done anything worth watchful but hanging out with the cast just because you are dating one of them seems too far fetched. Also the increasing paparazzi is something to be cautious about. This is Hero's first big take, and nothing should effect this.
I reach home and change into the most comfortable clothes I have in my closet. A long loose Tshirt that covers up till my mid thighs.
I hear Anna calling me "Coming !!! Coming!!" I shout back before running down the kitchen. "Hey what's up?" I ask entering the kitchen. "Sam is getting married" Anna said turning back. "Oh uh umm that's great!!" I said but found Anna's eyes staring my neck. "Is that?" she raised her brow, a smile playing behind her lips. "Yes" I said hiding my cheeks. "Hero and his hickeys" she said winking at me. I rolled my eyes and ran to my room. I turned off the lights and jumped in the comfort of my bed. What is Hero doing? Is he back home? Should I text him ? Ofcourse I can , why am I even thinking so much? I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and started to type a message when a message popped up in the corner of my screen. I clicked on it without thinking and I couldn't remove it from screen. My heart might have stopped beating or my brain must have stopped responding as I froze watching the picture on my screen.

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