Chapter 9

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The Beginning of Everything

Everything feels different today. I woke up on time. I took more time to get ready. I took more effort to get ready. I smile more and I am happier than yesterday. You know why, don't you?
I look in the mirror more than once and danced my way out of the apartment on time. Everyone can see there is something up with me. But do I care to explain? Naaaah !!!
Even though it's only been 5 hours since I bid him goodbye, I can't wait to see him again. I know it was just a date and we casually hangout. But this feeling is something. I love this. I love this moment right here, right now in my life and can I ask for more? Yes. More of him. More of Hero.
"Someone seems to be in a good mood today" Fatty eyed me when we reached the location. "Yup !!!" I said jumping out of the car. "And why is that so?" Mill followed. "Nothing much actually" I said. "Btw where were you yesterday after packup? We were looking for you and you didn't even answer your phone" Mill asked matching my excited pace. "I was with Hero" I said jumping over a log of wood. "Wait what?" Mill stopped on his track and Fatty's jaw dropped. "I was with Hero. We were just hanging out." I said in a plain tone. "You were with Hero .......Woah woah woah Girl !!!!! Fill me with the details please" Fatty said louder than I wanted her to be. "There is nothing to fill you up with. We hanged out and had ice cream and that's it." I said in a not-so-big-deal manner. "Oh please!! Nirvana you went out with your all time crush and you are telling me, you did nothing but had ice creams. That sounds a boring date. I don't believe you bitch." she said. I turned around to look at her "I don't care" and walked away to the location. "I think we should just concentrate on the work now" Mill said sternly before walking off leaving Fatty behind all by herself. I am glad, he didn't asked for any detailed report.
We are near a lake today. The surrounding is so beautiful that I feel like exploring it more which I can't. The scene today is super interesting because it is in water. I wear my underwater suit over my plain black T. Thank God !! I remembered bringing extra pair of clothes. I looked around for my camera but it seems my eyes are on a search mission of their own. It wasn't too late until they rest on Hero who was laughing at something with Jo. I don't believe in telepathy honestly but what is it between us that we always catch each other looking at well...each other.
He waved me and pointed towards the water. I made a shivering expression and Jo acted like drowning. I asked Mill to follow them to the lake and I dived in the water waiting to take my shot . The water is cold but it soothes in this summer heat. Maybe the entire crew can have a pool party later ;) Kiddinggggg !!!!!
It is a bit difficult to maintain the focus of the camera in water but I managed to get it done maintaining my distance from them. The scene was hot !!! Like legit hot !!! No wonder Tessa feels so intimidating around Hardin. Who wouldn't? They didn't take too many retakes and we were out of the water soon while Jo insisted staying longer, I didn't. I took my bag and removed my suit. Where do I change myself now? Maybe I should ask someone to allow me to use their vanity. I started walking back towards the lake when I saw Hero coming towards me. "Hey" he said once he approached me. "Hey" I said smiling. "Where are you going? Want to join Jo for a swim?" He asked looking back at Jo who was having the best time of her life. I don't blame her. It is actually hot here. "No. I was about to ask her for allowing me to use her vanity." I said looking at my clothes which were dripping wet. "Oh. No problem, you can use mine." He said running his hand through his wet hair. "I can?" I asked almost not believing at his generosity. "Ofcourse you can Nirvana. What kind of question is that?" He said leading my way to his vanity. The last time I was here I was more focused in running out so this time I took more time to notice everything around. It was not very big. It was very clean and organized with chocolate brown interiors and a small restroom in the corner. "You can use that and there is a towel inside at the back" he said looking for another Tshirt. "Thanks" I said before closing the door behind me. I quickly grabbed the towel and dried my hair. I changed myself in a blue tank top and black ripped denim shorts. When I came out I saw Hero sitting and shivering. "What happened to you and why haven't you changed yet ??" I asked confused.
"Because I have only one towel which you were using " he said looking at the towel which was still in my hands. "Oh I am sorry. Please take it" I said handing it to him. "No need of it. It is not dry enough for my use now." He said looking at me. I checked the towel. Yes it is wet but still usable. "It is dry enough" I said handing it again. "No it is not" he said without taking it. This is annoying now. Why is he not listening to me? "Yes it is." I stood between his legs and started pat drying his face. "See?" I asked rubbing down his shoulders. Instead of replying he shook his hair on my top as he was sitting on his makeup chair. "Don't do that !!!" I said holding his face to dry his hair but he dodged his head away. "Stop moving and dry your hair" I said literally holding him by his shoulders. "No I won't !!!" he said before grabbing me by my waist and pulling me over his lap, my legs on either side of his body, my chest colliding his bare torso. I froze in his arms. We have never been this close, my face an inch away from his and his arms behind my back holding me straight so that I don't fall back. His eyes travelled the distance between us and he pulled me closer, our nose touching and breath heaving. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and rested it on my cheek while my hands rested on his shoulders. "How can you look this beautiful without even trying?" He asked looking at my lips. "Why me?" I asked without thinking. I want to know this and I have to know this before it gets any further. Yes I want him but I have to know whether he wants me too or not? And if he does then why? Why me when he can literally find and have someone better than me?
"Because I really like you. I know it doesn't sound much convincing but that is what it is." He paused before continuing. "I don't know what this is" motioning between us "but it drives me crazy. I can't get you out of my head since the day I met you. It is like everything you do strikes me. Your passion for your work, your thoughts, your take on life. God !! You are so beautiful inside out and you don't even know it. You are busy being yourself that you beam so much happiness around you." His words were powerful and I couldn't gaze in his eyes anymore. He gently lifted my chin to match my eyes and cupped my face. "You are so pure that it makes me want to touch you, be with you" he said drawing circles with his thumb on my cheek. "I adore you so much" he said leaning towards me. And before I could mutter a single word his lips were on mine. My entire body lighted up. My heart crashing, making my eyes shut with his delicate touch on my skin. His tongue swiped across my lower lip and I surrendered, giving him access as his tongue explored my mouth. I pulled him close leaving no space between us. He kissed me harder as I pulled the hairs at the nape of his neck, earning a moan from him. We parted to catch our breath but it wasn't more than a second before his lips crashed on my neck and his hands crept up inside my top. I dig my nails in his back for support as he kissed me back viciously. The kiss was so passionate that we lost the track of time. He rested his forehead against mine as we catched our breath. "I like you too. You know that" I said caressing his face. "Yes I do" he said smiling. "I think we should go" I said after minutes passed by. He nodded and I stood up. I turned to walk out but he pulled me by my wrist and pecked my lips one last time "I will be out in a minute"he said leaving my hand. I nodded and stepped out of his vanity taking my bag.
I went back to the unit and started editing the scenes. "Where were you?" I turned around to find Mill who had also changed into a white T-shirt and grey sweatpants. "I was..uh.. I was... changing" I stuttered on my words, not sure what to say.
"And where did you change?" He asked raising his brow. Ughhhh !!!
"Behind the bushes !!!!! Why do you ask ??" I asked in irritation. "I just wanted to know whether you are fine or not, that's it." He said but it didn't convince me.
"Anyway, once you are done just let me know I will be waiting for you  outside with Fatty" He said and walked away. Something in my head told me that something is wrong with him but I pushed away the thought. I have enough in my plate already.
After talking to Jemmy and a rounds of editing I bid everyone goodbye. As I was walking out I saw Hero leaning on his vanity, busy on his phone. I walked over to him and he hung up after a minute. "Just updating my mother about the schedule" he said shoving off his phone in his back pocket. "OK. How is she?" I asked, drinking water. "She is fine. Misses me and wants me to give my all to this project" he said supporting himself on the vanity door. "Don't worry.You are doing amazing." I said squeezing his hand. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said biting my lips. Why is it so hard to say goodbye to him? "No need to say goodbye" he said handing me his phone. I gave him a confused look. "I deserve your contact number, I guess" he smirked. "I think you do" I said and typed in my number. "See you Vani" he said before squeezing my hands and walking away. "See you" I shouted back, grinning all to myself.
Is this a dream? I wish not and if it is, I prefer never waking up.

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