Chapter 14

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The Text

"What was what?" I shook Anna away. "He was at our place and you didn't tell me" Anna said following me. "When should I have told you? When you were snoring away in the night?" I asked sarcastically. "No. But in the morning" she said striding behind me. "Jesus Anna !!! I woke up an hour ago when he did and the first thing I did was coming down here so when do you think I could have told you?" I snapped back. "Okay ok calm down. I am just saying so that I would have been prepared to have this gracious treat to my eyes" she said raising her hands. "What treat?" I asked confused. "Hero, you dumbass! Oh my my !!!! he looks uggggghhh!!!!!!!Better and hotter than those magazines you showed me" she shrieked into my ears. That's Hero's charm there. "So you like him?" I asked to know her opinion not that I would have taken it to heart. "I love him.. not the way you do but hell yes, who cannot like him" she said clapping her hands. "Great. I don't want you to be pissed off too." I said realizing that Anna has no idea of what happened with Mill. Then I told her everything and all she said was "He cares for you but he doesn't own you".
And that is exactly what I am gonna do. He has a choice of saying or not, similarly I have a choice of listening to it or not. He has to respect my choice. And I choose Hero.
We are shooting something intense today. It is the most important scene in the story. If you ask anyone else in the unit about their favorite scene, they will name the lake scene because it was so lovey dovey and creatively challenging. But I like this scene which we will shoot today. The contrast of emotions that is showcased here is beautiful. When you want to hear something but have to believe something entirely different. When you know that your truth will change your future in the most unbearable and unfavorable way but you still have to be honest. That is what this whole 'revelation of bet' scene is about ,where Tessa comes to know that this entire time from the beginning itself Hardin was supposedly playing with her, while she was falling for him. Some people are quick to judge the book faster than they will read it. What Hardin did was humanly degrading and their relationship is toxic and it promotes abusiveness etc. Honestly I agree that Hardin was a complete jerk but then that is what the story is all about. That irrespective of what you are, what kind of person you were, it is never too late to be the person you should be. Even the most heartless villain loves his wife and children and I believe that love is about giving a second chance. Even though Tessa gave Hardin many chances, one after another but finally when he changed, which he did, was he not worth her efforts? He was. He fucked up but still he devoted himself to her completely. And she could see how devoted he was to change himself for her. It drained Tessa, but he filled her with irrevocable joy. This story proves that faith and love can change you to be the best version of yourself. What matters is, are you ready to change?
We are in this small diner, with indie music playing in the background. We have Inanna, Swen, Samuel and Khadija with us other than Jo and Hero ofcourse. "Does that help you to be in your character?" I asked Inanna about the funky bracelet she has in her hand with words 'be the classy bitch'. "Yeah, kind off" she replied playing with it. As we waited for everyone to settle down, I noticed Mill watching me from the opposite corner of the diner. I looked away.
Action !!!
The scene went down well and everyone did a superb job especially Jo. The shock, anger and pain which only grew with every single word was visible in her eyes. "Is camera 2 and 3 ready?" I asked in my wireless. "Yes" Mill and Tyler, fellow camera man replied back. And the scene ends with Jo running away in the rain while Hero stood there crying, clutching his hair. "You did a great job there Jo" I said removing my camera gear. "Thank you" she said doing a dab. "And what about me?" Hero asked keeping his elbow on my shoulder. "You too" I said. But before he could walk away, I held him by his wrist. "What happened?" he asked me turning back. "I was thinking about buying a car. I mean this was long due but I was too lazy to do that. So I was wondering if you would like to come with me, you know?" I said rubbing my hand behind my neck. "Sure" he said squeezing my hand back before going. As he ran away to dry himself off I turned around to find Fatty. "What's up Fatty?" I asked taking my seat. "What's up with you? I thought you are not talking to me either" she said in a sad voice. "Of course not. Why would I do that?" I asked. "Because you fought with Mill and you might be mad on me" she said unsure. "Exactly. I fought with him, not you. So we are good" I said nudging her shoulder. "But you might get mad on me now"she said in a low voice. "Why?" I asked doubtful. "Because Mill asked me to say sorry to you" she whispered softly. "Wow !! How cool is he. He can fuck up on his own but wants you to clean his shit" I don't care to hide my anger. "He tried to but he is too scared of your reaction" she said looking behind me to which I turned to find Mill looking at us. "Fatty I don't want to talk about him to anyone other than him" I said before getting up as I see Hero coming towards us. "Where are you going?" she asked curiously. "To get a car" I said turning to leave.
"Hey !! Do you mind if Sam joins us?" Hero asked smiling at Fatty. "Ofcourse not" I said. Why would I mind that? "Great, so he is waiting in his car for us" Hero said taking my hand in his.
"Hello beautiful" Sam greeted. "Hi" I said as I jumped in the back seat. "So are we getting a Porsche or Mercedes?" He asked sarcastically. "None" I said matching his tone.
Sam is really funny and has great sense of humor. I have seen his other works and I must admit, I find him looking way better with his hair short and without piercing.
After rounds of moving here and there we dropped down to two choices- a Toyota Camry or Honda Civic.
"So now which one?" Hero raised his eyebrows. "I am really confused". I turned to Sam who was busy on his phone. "What do you say?" I asked Hero. "It is your car honestly so it has to be your choice. But I personally like Civic." He said blowing air from his mouth before turning to me. "Civic is done then" I said signalling the man who showed us the car. I have my own car now. Not that Anna ever complained about using her but when we went to different locations for work, which we usually do, I took help of Mill and Fatty. But now I am independent. I can drive on my own, go wherever and whenever with whoever more importantly.
I completed the formalities and other paperwork before having my key. Hero gave me a proud smile as I gladly ran towards my car. It was a grey Honda Civic, with decent interior and most importantly good audio system.
Sam bid us goodbyes as he was called by his girlfriend. "So it is us now" Hero said turning to me. "Yeah. Aren't you hungry? Cause I am starving." I asked him as we moved out of the showroom. "Oh yes. I am hungry and also we have to celebrate this so yup let's go" he said putting his cap back on his head. "Where do you want to go?" I asked cause I really don't care until I can have something good to eat and his company for sure. "Some fries and burger maybe" he said adjusting the temperature. "Ohk!! Mc D then" I said loud.
After eating to the full and fighting over fries with Hero, I dropped him at Jemmy's place. "See you tomorrow" he said pecking my lips. "Sure. Tomorrow" I said kissing him back but before I could move away, he deepend the kiss. I bit his lower lip playfully and he caught on that and his tongue danced with mine in rhythm. "I can't get enough of you" he said finally catching his breath. "Still. Kissing infront of the director's house is a bit you know, just a little bit..." I showed glueing my thumb and index finger. "It is not a secret" he said kissing my forehead. "What" I asked moving my head back just to be able to look at him. "That I like you" he said smiling at me. "And I like you too" I said when I knew what I wanted to say but it is too early for him to hear that.
I drove back to my place and parked my car. Just when I was getting off, my phone vibrated. I sat in my seat opening the door to check the message.
Unknown number identified -
You are never gonna make it.

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