Chapter 12

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Start of Time

Hero's POV
How dare he? Who the fucking gave him the audacity to judge my emotions ?
"I don't know what makes you think, the way you think about me but this isn't fair" I said pulling Nirvana close to me. "It is not right at your part to judge me without even knowing me" I don't want to fight with him, even though I won't mind punching his face but for the sake of Nirvana. "Just cut the crap man!! You know very well what you are doing to her. You are making her believe that you like her. But she is one of your current interest and you don't give a fuck for her and I care for her more than you ever will" he snapped back. Really? Now do I have to explain my relationship, my feelings to someone else? "I don't know why am I even saying this to you because I don't owe you any explanation but if you really care then let me assure you that I will never hurt her. I have never wanted something as much as this" I said motioning between me and Nirvana who was just taking in my words. "Uhhaa !!you come around for a week and you know her that well. Ofcourse she is not the first one to hear this" he smirked. "She is the first one I mean it too" I don't need to clarify about my personal life to him. He is not worth it. "This is a fling for you. You will give her all sweet, little compliments just to get in her pants. And once done, you are done with her forever" he said with malice dripping from every single word. I can literally crack his skull in one swift motion but the only thing holding me back is the girl holding my arm. She is shocked and tears settle in brim of her eyes.
"You are her friend not mine. So don't push my buttons". I said clenching my fist hard. I have to keep myself calm. "What if I do?" He neared me but was instantly pushed back by Nirvana. "Don't you fucking come close to him or me !!!! Put your shit together and fuck off !!! Right now or I swear to God I will do something which I won't regret at all. Get lost Mill !!!!!" she shouted back intertwining her fingers with mine. Mill looked at our clasped hands and left the room but not before giving me a dreadful look. There is definitely something going on in his mind but right now I have to concentrate on Nirvana who is sobbing. "Nirvana don't please...just please stop crying." I engulfed her in my arms while she cried away for the friend she has probably lost forever. If you ask me, I would say she lost him for good but I won't be that selfish. Her friends are her family. "How could he Hero? Aren't friends suppose to be happy for our happiness?" She cried against my chest. "We can only hope for him to get back to his senses"I said cupping her face and wiping away the tears with my thumb. "I don't care about his senses. My friends are important to me but they have to respect others who are no less important to me" she said looking in my eyes. I will never ever make her feel that this feeling is one sided. I will resonate back with twice and thrice the force. I cupped her face again and kissed both of her cheeks ."I am so fond of you" I said as she wrapped her arms around my shoulder. "You have no idea Hero" she said kissing my nose.
The idea of date that I planned can not take place thanks to Mill. But I want to take her away from this place. She grabbed her bag from the room and walked out with me hand in hand. I don't mind that honestly. It only feels good and I know that nobody will question us. Just when I was pondering on where to take her, my phone buzzed. It was Swen.
Me - Hey man !
Swen- what's up buddy? Are you done with the shoot?
Me - Yes.
Swen - so is it the date night then?
Me - no. It is not.
Swen- why? What happened?
Me - her best friend fucked up. You know that Mill guy who assists her?
Swen - I see that.
Swen -ok so what now?
Me - I don't know, I just want to take her away from this set.
Swen - why don't you guys come here ? At my place?
Me - are you sure about that ?
Swen - ofcourse buddy :) See you then..
I don't mind taking Nirvana to Swen's place. Right now all she needs is distraction. We can't be sitting in my small claustrophobic vanity for the rest of the evening.
"Nirvana?" I called her but she didn't reply. "Nirvana?" I called again pushing my shoulder to her when she finally looked up. "Where are you lost?" I can see her eyes drifting distant in thoughts. "Nothing" she sighed. "Ok" I said placing my hand on her back. "I was thinking about taking you to Swen's place". I said carefully to understand her reaction which was blank. "Ok" she whispered back. I quickly changed my Tshirt. I call out for the car given to me here and direct him to Swen's house which is the only place I have gone since being here.
Nirvana's POV
Swen's house is small and very cosy. He lives here when he is working. "Is white your favorite?" I ask Swen as we move towards the lounge area. "No. It is mine and because I did the interiors, its all white" Meadow chirped in. We seated in this lounge area which had red lighting behind the false ceiling. I sat on a bean bag next to Hero who was telling Swen about everything that happened earlier. "That guy is an ass !!!!" he said taking his seat after handing Hero a can of bear. "I liked him though. He was sweet to everyone." Meadow joined our conversation. "But Nirvana let me tell you. This guy sitting here fantasized you from day 1" Swen said pointing at Hero who looked uncomfortable all of a sudden making me laugh. "Ohhk I didn't knew that" I said nudging Hero who was giving Swen glares. "There is more but I don't want my friend to kick my ass afterwards" he laughed. I can't help but join in. My eyes caught a guitar lying at a corner. "Is this yours?" I asked Swen. "Yeah. I use to play that 'once upon a time'." he said taking a sip of his beer. "Do you play?" Meadow asked me. "No. Not really. I learned it long time ago but it's been a while" I said unsure of my skill. "Why don't you try it now?" she said placing her wine glass down. "I don't think that is a healthy idea" I don't want these people to run away. "Yeah. You should go ahead" Swen said. I am stuck now and before I could reject the idea out of hand Hero nodded saying "Please. I want to hear you". I don't want to sound obnoxious but I sing decent. It is just to annoy Anna that I shriek around her. But this is the first time I will be singing like this, infront of unfamiliar people. I took a step towards the guitar and sat on the nearby easy chair facing everyone. I tuned the guitar but I didn't have anything in my mind. What should I sing? Holy sweet Mary !!! This is frightening. Unsure of any song I looked at Hero and then suddenly everything became clear as my voice gave away to my heart.
Oh today I am just a drop of water
And I am running down a mountainside
Come tomorrow I'll be in the ocean
I will rising with the morning tide
There's a ghost upon the moor tonight
Now it's in our house
When you walked into the room just then
It's like the sun came out
I struck the guitar and looked into Hero's eyes, his not leaving mine.
I'm an atom in a sea of nothing
Looking for another to combine
Maybe we could be the start of something
Be together at the start of time.
There's a ghost upon the moor tonight
Now it's in our house
But you walk into the room just then
It's like the sun came out
And the day is clear, my voice is just a whisper, louder than the screams you hear
It's like the sun came out
It's like the sun came out
It's like the sun came out
It's like the sun came out
It's like the sun came out
It's like the sun came out
I end the song letting out my breath only to see Hero smiling at me.

[The song is 'Start of time' by Gabrielle Aplin. It is a beautiful song and you must listen to it 😁]

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