Chapter 4

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Clarissa's POV:

He was still staring at it and didn't even blink.

"Did you.....?" He trailed off.

I opened the drawer and reached inside to pull out the picture that he was seeing.

Dad has a 2-in-1 frame in his study that has our baby pictures in it that hangs on the wall beside the shelf of books.

When I saw it I asked dad to give the two pictures to me. One was of Alan and the other was of Will and I as babies.

The picture that I held right now was of him as a baby and the exact copy of it was on the page, just made with pencil markings and coloring.

I put the picture beside the one on the sketchbook.

"It looks exactly the same." Will said from behind Alan, looking at the sketch over his shoulder.

I took out the other picture of Will and I, "Turn over the page." Alan did that and Will plucked the picture from my hand.

"When did you made these?" Alan asked, still looking at the sketches.

I shrugged, "Over a year ago. I filled the whole sketchbook."

"Claire, is this why you asked for the vacant cardboard boxes in my study?" Dad asked pointing at my works.

I nodded.

"Where did you buy that?" Will asked looking at it.

"I didn't buy it, I made it." I said.

Will looked like he was having a hard time believing in what I was saying.

And he proved me right by saying, "How do you do this? You mean to say that every single piece of work is done by you and not brought from the store?"

"Yeah.... Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Well yeah, how can someone make a tree out of cardboard?"

"Its a tree house, not just a tree."

"The question is still the same: how?"

I went and took the tree house down from the shelf it was on and placed it on the desk.

I made it so it could be taken apart easily without ruining the whole work.

I took off the house from the tree and took the leaves part of the trunk, revealing a hollow part in the center.

"Now look." I said to Will. He looked inside.

"I still don't get it."

I rolled my eyes and started to explain, "I rolled a piece of cardboard and glued it to the base. Then for all these details, the roots and leaves, I made a solution of glue and water and used it to stick newspaper on the cardboard and molded it to look like this. And then paint it and viola! Its ready."

"And the house?" Alan asked.

"If you don't know how to make simple house then I'm gonna think you're stupid." I said.

"What about that?" Will asked pointing at the Rubik's cube. "Don't tell me you made that too by carving plastic." He continued.

I chuckled, "No, that's a store brought."

"What are those?" Will asked pointing at the paintings covered with dust cover.

I went over and carefully peeled off the cover and stepped aside for them to see. If they were not shocked by seeing the sketches then definitely they were now.

The three of them took in the painting of mom cradling baby Will in her arms.

I knew he missed mom so I had painted it just recently and was suppose to give it to him as a gift for our birthday.

"Ummm.... It was suppose to be a gift for you for our um... birthday but you were so hellbent on seeing this place so..." I left the sentence hanging.

The look one his face was not the one I was expecting. I was expecting him to laugh and say that it was not necessary but keeping the painting anyway.

But he didn't looked like that, he looked like he was about to cry but didn't. He let out a chuckle and walked to me and took the painting from my hands and lifted it up to look at it.

He smiled, "I like it. Thanks." He said and engulfed me in a loving hug.

"Claire, where did you get the picture from?" Alan asked.

"Dad gave it to me and I have a lot of them."

"Kids, " Dad mocked knowing that none of liked to be called that, "you got what you wanted now its time for bed."


I woke up to an air horn screaming into my ear.

I jumped up into a sitting position. I looked at Will and Alan who were standing at the foot of my bed. Alan was covering his ears.

"What is wrong with you two?!" I practically screamed.

"Mary is fuming at the moment and wouldn't have a problem in waking you up in her ways." Alan said, uncovering his ears.

My eyes widen and I asked, "What time is it?"

"10:25. You have exactly 5 minutes before she gets here."

I raced to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth, not bothering to shower at the moment.

Mary was a nice woman but when one of us stayed past 10 am she would have woke you up by herself. With a company of her wooden spoon.

The dead line was up to 10:30 and by then we are suppose to be ready, if not we suffer the consequences.

You see, Mary raised us after our mom died and she mainly focused on us learning good manners and according to her waking up on time was number one. 

It made us look like we weren't lazy when in fact we were.

I was ready and just outside the kitchen when she was about to come for me.

We knew what her definition of consequences was from experience.

I offered her a sheepish smile and she glared at me. She narrowed her eyes at me and pointed at the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen and the boys looked up.

"Don't. I don't want a lecture on waking up early twice in one day." I was likely to receive one after breakfast anyway.

I sat down next to Will, "It only took you three minutes. You'll survive." He said.

I scowled at him in and he offered me a grin in return.

Fun fact about me: I'm pretty good at arts and crafts, mostly crafts.

What's your talent?

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