Chapter 23

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Clarissa's POV:

"Think Clary." Will said.

"I am. It's not working." I said.

We were both sitting on my bed. Will was trying to help me remember some things. Emphasis on trying.

Will sighed. He was quite for a minute.

"You have nightmares. That means that you still have these memories somewhere in the back of you mind. You just have to find the location." He said to himself.

"What are you talking about?"

"What happened in the last nightmare you had?"

I thought about it for awhile.

"Actually now that I think about it, I haven't had a nightmare in a long time." I said.

"I didn't ask when you had you last nightmare. I asked what happened in the last nightmare you had." Will said.

I rolled my eyes and answered, "You already know."

"I'm not talking about the last part, I'm talking about the first part. You said that your dreams start off differently and end the same. I want to know what happens in the beginning. What happened in your last nightmare at the beginning?"

I sighed.

"I was getting something to eat in the kitchen because I hadn't eaten in days. I was going through the fridge when the light was turned on. When I looked back, James was standing there and he didn't look happy at all. I told him a lie and he just took me through this door that lead to the basement. The rest you know it already."

When I finished, Will was looking at me, like full on staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"No triggers?"

I shook my head.

"Why? Was something suppose to happen?" I asked.

"I thought it could trigger your memory a little bit."

I slapped his arm.

"It was a dream, you idiot. No a memory."

"But the doctor said that you'll start reliving the memories sometime in your teenage years."

"I do relive in my dreams." I shrugged.

The door opened and Alan walked in with a bowl of popcorn in his hands.

"Any progress?" He asked scooping up some and putting them in his mouth.

"None so far." Will answered.

"You're talking like I'm an experiment." I said.

"But you're not. Clary think." Alan said.

"That's what Will told me to do. I tried, it's not working. Nothings working." I said.

"There is something we haven't tried yet." Will said.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, you were abused meaning James beat you up. We could...sort of....try to trigger your memory by.....doing.....the same." Will said, slowly.

"You'll beat me up?"I asked.

"No! I mean-that's not..." He sighed and said, "I don't want to but it might help."

"Disagreed. That's a terrible idea." Alan said.

"Agreed." I said.

"With me or Will?" Alan asked.

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