Chapter 9

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Clarissa's POV:

The next day we were in school in our first lesson, chemistry.

Mr. Louis said that he had completed partnering us.

"Okay, so I have completed the chart and I will be calling out your names and the table number. You will be sitting at that table for the rest of the year." He said.

He began calling out the names of people and their table numbers. I got table number 4 with, Will as my partner.

After he was done he began explaining the reason for our partners.

"I have you all partnered up with one student who is excellent in chemistry and one who is not. Some of you are also partnered with both of you who understands the subject but struggle with it a little bit. Now the reason for this is that some of you who don't understand what is going on and can't find me to explain it to you or are absent for some reason, you can ask your partner for help." He explained.

Well that's one way to create partners.

"Now, during the lecture if you are confused about anything just raise your hand and question it. I won't stop you from interrupting me in between the lectures with your questions. But if your caught talking to your friends or you're late, you will receive a one hour detention and also standing in front of the class for the rest of the period." He said.

And that's one way to set the rules.

"Why do I have you as my partner?" I asked Will.

"Because I'm amazing." He said.

"Correction, you suck." I said.

Before he could say something back Mr. Louis started his lecture on organic chemistry.


After the class ended, Will and I got up, packed our stuff and went out the class.

I went to my second class of the day, Arts.

I went inside the room and looked around there were canvases and painting stands every where.

I guess we are painting today.

Once the whole class was there the teacher, Mrs. Brown, stood up and clapped her hands together.

"Alright class, as you can see we are going to be painting today. I want to see your skills and how you are at painting. You can start now." She said.

I sat in my stool and started my painting. My speciality was that I managed to use the provided amount of paint to make a master piece.

I didn't know what I was going to make I just picked up my paint brushes and paint and left everything on my imagination.

When I was done the period was coming to an end. I looked at my work and couldn't help but cringe at the most cliché painting ever made.

A sunset. Really? That was what I could think about.

Mrs. Brown stood up and said, "Guys the period is coming to end. So I'm going to look at what you made."

I started to make my painting look a little better.

My painting had a sunset with the sky having a mixture of orange and yellow.

The size of the sun was big and it was reflected on the water that was spreading where the sun met the water but got less as the distance increased.

At the sides it had silhouettes of palm trees, some big and some short.

It looked like it was a printed picture and pasted on the canvas. It was really soft looking because I used spray cans.

Yes, we are allowed to use spray cans. But only if we don't use it on people, that is.

I was adding some silhouettes of birds and add some more details on the reflection of the sun.

I was so into it that I didn't notice Mrs. Brown standing behind me. Not until after class ended.


I opened the doors to the cafeteria and looked around for Will and Alan.

I found them sitting at a table near the place where you buy lunch.

They seem to be arguing about something.

I went over and sat down in a vacant chair.

"Hey, Claire." Will said.

"Hey, Will." I said before stealing a fry from his tray.

"What were you guys talking about before I arrived?" I asked.

Alan and Will looked at each other.

"You tell her." Alan said to Will.

"I'm not telling her. You tell her." Will said back.

"I don't want to. You tell her."

This went on for a while. I decided to slam my hand down to stop the 'You tell her' thing.

"What happened?" I asked.

Alan tensed and looked at Will with pleading eyes.

Will took a deep breath and said, "Alan got into a fight..." He started.

"What?" My eyes snapped to Alan who was shifting uncomfortably.

"And he got a detention..." William continued.

"That was bound to happen." I said.

"And dad got a call telling him that all three of us cause fights in school." Will finished.

"What?!" I asked shocked. "He was the one who started a fight," I said pointing at Alan, "and we all get accused."

"Yeah..." Alan chuckled nervously. "I might have told the principal that... all three of us were involved and..... you both ran away before we could get caught."

"Why did you do that?" I asked, a shape edge in my tone.

"Because I didn't want to face dad and then Mary all alone." He replied.

"Claire. Be prepared for two big lectures that might not give you the time to do your homework." Will said.

"You both are awful."

"Just go with it, Claire. I don't want to face them alone." Alan said.

Dad is going to be very mad when we get home.

This chapter is kind of boring. And it probably sucks. But this was all I had for this chapter.

Some action will happen but you'll have to be patient.

Clarissa's Past [COMPLETED] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora