Chapter 13

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William's POV:

I'm going to kill him.

I'm going to kill him.

I'm going to kill him.

I wonder what gun I should take.

Oh, right. You might be wondering who. Well, it's Max.

I'm going to kill Max. It's all because of him and his family that Claire is here again.

His family was the reason she was here for the first time.

His family and himself is the reason she is here for the second time.

I don't like it one bit.

I was thinking about killing him in the cafeteria but a lot of girls were watching and I didn't want them to think I was a killer.

But I think the punch did a pretty good job though.

Anyways, back to the topic.

Claire is in the hospital again.

Before Max left, he called her Alexis. It was enough for her to relive her nightmares.

Claire told me about her nightmares. They are bad.

I'm surprised she didn't notice the scars on her arms yet.

Hearing him call her Alexis caused Claire to have a panic attack.

She had her first one when she had her first nightmare when she was 15.

I tried to calm her down but she didn't and eventually passed out.

As soon as she passed out, I called dad. I didn't tell him the reason why she was here. I just said that I would tell him in the hospital.

So now we -- Alan, dad and I -- are sitting in the waiting room filling dad in about all the events that happened.

When we were finished, to say he was mad was an understatement. He was boiling.

I thought I saw steam coming out of his nose and ears but that was just my imagination.

The door to the waiting room opened and the doctor -- who had first treated Claire -- came in.

He looked the same just a bit old. I mean he would look old, its been seven years. Of course he'll look old.

He had his stethoscope around his neck and he had a clipboard in his hand. When do doctors not have a clipboard in their hands?

Oh right, when they perform surgery. Never mind.

"Mr. Martin?" Dad looked at the doctor.

"Clarissa should be awake in a few hours. She's fine. Just call me when she wakes up. For now, she is asleep but you can meet her." He said and lead us to the room she was in.

He opened the door and we all ushered inside.

Here was the sight I didn't want to see ever again. Not after I saw how pale and weak she looked when she was here seven years ago.

This sight made a single tear escape from my eye. I quickly wiped it away.

I walked up to her bed on the same spot I was on seven years ago.

At that time, I was a little kid, who was excited to see his twin sister for the first time in ten years.

I didn't know why she was here. Why she was so pale. What lead her here.

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