Chapter 10

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Clarissa's POV:

The last bell of the day rang, signaling that the period came to an end.

I packed my stuff and went out the class taking my time. I wanted to be as late as possible.

When I reached the parking lot, I found Will leaning against Alan's car.

"Where's Alan?" I asked once I reached him.

"Detention." He answered and pulled his phone out.

I totally forgot that Alan had detention. I guess it will waste an hour or so.

An hour later, I was sitting on the hood of the car and most of the parking lot was empty.

Alan came out of school, shrugging his bag over his shoulder.

Once he reached us I asked him, "I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now. Why did you start a fight?"

I wanted to know. It's been bugging me all day.

Alan sighed, "I heard someone talking about you. And they didn't say anything good."

"So you just go ahead and start a fight?" I asked.

"Do you even know what they said about you?" Alan asked.

"No and I don't want to know." I said.

"But I do know and I couldn't take it so I just did the first thing that came in my mind." Alan said.

"How will you explain that to dad?" Will asked.

"I don't know. I want you two to play along and don't tell the truth." He said and got in the driver's seat of the car.

Will and I mimicked his actions and got inside the car, with me in the passenger seat.


We arrived home and dad's car was in the garage.

This is bad. I can tell it is.

We got out of the car and made our way to the door that opens in the kitchen. Alan opened it and was instantly greeted by Mary.

"Your father is not happy." She said without looking up from doing the dishes.

"Do you need help? Because I can certainly help you out. I'm free anyway." I made a move towards the sink but Alan grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the living room.

"If we're doing this, so are you." He said.

"I regret giving in." I mumbled.

We heard footsteps echoing down the stairs. We looked in that direction and saw dad with an annoyed look on his face.

"You three, my office. Now!" He demanded.

The three of us followed dad up the stairs and into his study.

He took a seat on the couch in one corner of the room, Alan sat down on one of the chairs that were in front of his desk. Will leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets and I leaned against the book shelf with my arms crossed.

"What happened?" Dad asked.

"We got into a fight." Alan said.

"Why did you got into a fight in the first place?" Dad asked.

No one said anything. We didn't know what to say.

Dad sighed, "Tomorrow, if you three don't get a suspension, it'll be a miracle."


The next day dawned and we were all seated in Alan's car. Dad decided to drive his own car to school.

The car ride was completely silent.

We made it to school and Alan parked the car in a vacant spot. Dad's car was close to ours.

We got out of the cars and made it towards the school gates. Dad opened the gates and we all went inside.

We walked down the hall until we reached a brown door that had a wooden plate on it with the words written in fancy handwriting, Principal's Office.

Dad opened the door and walked in.

A lady, in her late forties, looked up from her computer.

"I was called for a meeting with Principal Owens."Dad said.

The lady motioned for the door on the left side in her desk.

Dad knocked on the door and after hearing a 'come in' he walked inside.

We were told to sit on the chairs in opposite to the door.

Principal Owens was sitting at his desk, looking at something on his computer. When dad walked in he looked up and said, "Mr. Martin. Please have a seat."

The door closed behind him and we were left in silence. It was silent until I elbowed Alan on his side.

"What was that for?" He asked nursing his side.

"For getting us in trouble." I answered.

"Claire, you can get your revenge later. Right now focus on the fact that we can get a suspension in the first week of high school." Will said.

They were sitting on either side of me, so I elbowed him in his side too. He hissed in pain but didn't say anything.

After what felt like forever, dad finally come out of the office.

He motioned for us to follow him and we did until we reached his car.

He turned around and looked at us, "I managed to pull some strings and get you guys out of suspension but you will have detention for the whole week." He said.

He crossed his arms and leaned back on his car and continued, "Now, I know I taught you guys how to fight but that doesn't mean that you go around cause useless fights. I taught you how to fight for self defense. Can I trust that you guys won't be starting anymore fights?"

Despite the situation, dad was calm when he spoke.

We nodded our heads, promising that we won't.

Dad got in his car and drove away.

When his car disappeared around the corner, I turned to Alan. He visibly gulped and gave a nervous chuckle.

Will, noticing the anger in me, slowly said, "Claire, he is our brother. You can't kill him."

I stomped on Will's foot. He yelped and grabbed his foot and hopped around, yelling 'ouch' over and over again.

"I don't care about that." I turned back to Alan, "Alan Martin, your dead." He took off running with me behind him.

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