Chapter 8

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Clarissa's POV:

Beep beep beep.

That is the most annoying sound in the world.

I slammed my hand down on my bedside table until the beeping finally stopped.

Unfortunately, I have brothers.

The door to my room burst open and they ran in pretending to hold guns in their hands.

"FBI! YOUR UNDER ARREST!" They yelled, jumping on my bed.

I groaned and pulled the comforter closer to me.

"Come on Claire. Wake up. We have school." Will said shaking me.

"Go away." I mumbled and turned away from him.

"Fine then. Don't tell us we didn't warn you."

I was confused as to what they meant by that but my confusion was soon gone when I felt cold water being dumped on me.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screeched.

"Now, get out of bed and take a shower. Will and I are waiting downstairs." Alan said leaving with the bucket. Will following behind him.

"This is no way to wake someone up!" I yelled.

"It is when a person doesn't wake up!" He yelled back.

I groaned and pulled the cover off me. I went to take a warm shower, to get rid of the cold feeling.

Once I was ready I went downstairs to the kitchen were Will and Alan were having breakfast

I opened the fridge to get a box of orange juice.

"Morning kids." Dad said coming onto the kitchen.

"Morning." We greeted back.

"Excited for the first day?" He asked.

"No." Alan and I said while Will said, "Yes."

"Not after how my morning turned out." I said.

"What happened?" Dad asked.

"They dumped cold water on me." I said, pointing at Will and Alan. I sat down with my cup of juice.

Just as Will was about to reach it, I slapped his hand away.



e arrived at school.

Will was out of the car before the car even stopped.

Alan parked the car in the parking lot and got out with me in tow.

"Hurry up!" Will whined.

Once we reached him, we entered the school together. I took out my schedule that was emailed to every student before school starts.

It had my locker number and combination on it.

"We'll meet up at the cafeteria then?" Alan asked to which Will and I agreed.

I went towards my locker while Will and Alan went towards theirs.

I put in my combination and then unloaded my bag. I only kept the books of my first two lessons.

I closed my locker and went to my first class, chemistry.

On the way Will joined me since he had the same class as me.

We entered the class and sat in our seats.

The teacher came in and introduced himself as Mr. Louis.

"Hi everyone! Welcome back after a long break. I hope you all had a great summer. My name is Mr. Louis and I'll be your chemistry teacher for this year."

He continued to ramble on and on about stuff that I tuned most of it out.

A girl raised her hand and asked, "What about our partners?"

"Right. Thank you for reminding me. I will be picking your partners for the year. And for that I need your help. I will be calling out your name on this attendance sheet and you are going to tell me how your grades were in the subject before."

He started to call out names of people and kept making a note on how their grades were in chemistry.

"Clarissa Martin?" He called out.

"I have an A." I said.

He nodded and made a note of it. He then continued to call out names of students.

"William Martin?"

"I have an E." He said.

After he was done he said that we were allowed to talk for the rest of the period. Immediately the chatter started and I had cover my ears as the noise grew loud.


The last bell rang and I was out of my seat and out the door in seconds. I made my way to the parking lot where Will and Alan were waiting.

Once they saw me Will asked, "Bad day?"

"Don't even ask about it."I replied.

Will chuckled and let himself inside the car. He sat on the passenger seat while I sat in the back.

We made it home in about 25 minutes. I was absolutely ready to go to my bed and take a nap.

As soon as my head hit the pillow there was a blast.

Not the bomb blast but the music blast. And there was only one person in the family that likes metal music.

"WILLIAM!" I shouted as I got out of bed.

As soon as I opened the door to my bedroom the music got so loud that I had to cover my ears.

Alan also came out of his room.

I stormed towards Will's room and opened the door. That was where I made the mistake.

As soon as I opened his door the music got so loud that I was nearly impossible to hear anything.

I looked in the mess of a room and found Will jumping and dancing on his bed like a crazy kid.

I went to the speakers and pulled out the cord from the switch. Finally, some silence.

"Thanks, Claire. My ears were about to explode." Alan said.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked Will.

"I was bored so I put on some music. I was having fun until you pulled it out." Will said.

"Couldn't you just watch TV or play video games?" I asked.

"There was nothing on TV and I'm banned from playing video games for the week." He said.

"At least lower the volume a little. You'll not blast our ears off all the time."

The intercom buzzed and Mary's voice came through, "I just came back from the grocery store and when I was pulling in I heard loud booming sounds. Is it William again?" She asked.

I went to the intercom and pressed the button on it and said, "It's all good Mary. No one is responsible." I lied.

Mary's voice came again, "William Martin! You are not allowed to play video games for another week and especially not the music for the rest of the month!"

Will came over and pressed the button, "But Mary I-"

She cut him off, "I don't want to hear anything! What's done is done!" She said and the intercom went off.

"I guess I'll be having another day full of boredom." Will said.

Aww. I kind of feel bad for Will but that's just the kind of person he is. One with a jumbled up mind.

Anyway, tell me what you think.

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