Chapter 22

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Clarissa's POV:

"You lost your memory." Dad said.

It doesn't take a genius to solve the rest of the puzzle. The scars on my arms, the nightmares, it all made sense.

"I was abused." I said.

Dad looked down and nodded.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"His name is James Daniels, Maxwell's father. When you were at the hospital the doctor told us that you were really weak like you've been starved for days and about the bruises that you got because of him."

"Why didn't you sent him to jail then? Why is he still out there?" I asked.

"Because, we have no evidence."

"I lost my memory. That's evidence." I said.

"No. You lost your memory. That means you don't remember that you were with him on the first place." Will said.

"You can still put him in jail." Alan said.

"How is that possible?" I asked.

"You have to remember." Dad answered.

"And you couldn't tell this to me before because...?" I asked.

"Because you were not ready." Dad said.

"No. You were not ready." I said and stood up. As I was walking to the door I said, "I need some time." Then left the room. I was almost to my room when Mary stopped me.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" She asked me looking worried.

I smiled and nodded not really trusting my voice.

She smile back and said, "Dinner's ready, sweetheart."

I nodded again and went past her to my room.

I entered my room. As soon as the door closed the tears I've been holding back all this time flowed freely down my cheeks.

I furiously wiped them away and sat on the ground on one side of my bed facing the window.

I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I rocked back and forth trying to stop my sobbing and the tears.


Greg's POV:

Mary just informed us that dinner was ready.

I told Alan and William to go and eat and that I will be there shortly.

I left my office and went to Clary's room. I opened the door to find her sobbing in the corner beside her bed.

I knew she heard me come in.

She was rocking back and forth with her arms hugging her knees. I went over and put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to my chest.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She sobbed.

"I was scared of what you'll say."

"You mean, you could've told me anytime but you weren't ready?" She asked.

"Yeah. I wasn't ready. I'm really sorry for giving you guys up."

There was silence between us. I kissed her forehead and put my chin on her head.


Clarissa's POV:

After a few minutes dad asked, "Can I ask you something?"


"Where did you learn to hide your feelings?" He asked.

I smiled, "Nowhere. I just do."

"Just like your mom." He said.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Your mom could also hide her feelings. When I asked her how she does it she also said she just can."

I smiled remembering the times of when he talked about mom, he mostly referred to me.

I thought over the whole story he told me and asked, "How can I remember?"

"You just have to think. Try and remember." Dad answered.

"That doesn't help." I said, lifting my head from his chest.

"What I mean is, think of your nightmares and try to remember if that ever happened to you." He said removing a few strands of hair from my face.

"Is that going to-" I was cut off by the intercom going off.

"Father and twin sister." Will's voice came through. "The food is getting cold. When I asked it why it was so cold it answered, 'I will be hot when your father and sister will arrive.' So I suggest you better hurry up because I'm hungry. And you both know that I don't eat cold food." He said and the intercom turned off.

Dad gave a low chuckle.

"We better get going before Mary herself gets here." I said.

"Yeah." Dad agreed.

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