Chapter 25

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Clarissa's POV:

My hand hovered over the door handle. I took a deep breath. My fingers curled around the handle.

Just as I was about to turn it, "Claire, open the damn door already." Alan said frustrated.

"I was about to." I said and finally turned the handle, opening the door.

It was really dark. A stairway lead down to the basement. I looked at Will and Alan.

With a sigh I went down the stairs. I was looking down at my feet the whole time. At the last step, I finally looked up.

"Please stop." I pleaded with tears running down my cheeks.

"You tried to run away. You embarrassed me in front of my neighbor. I don't think I should stop." James said as he circled around me with a pocket knife in his hand.

"I won't run away again. I promise."

"Dad! Unlock the door!" Max's voice came from upstairs.

"If it wasn't for you, my son would've been well behaved. You took him on your side." He said menacingly.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"You are not sorry!" He yelled and ran the knife on my arm.

I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming.

He grinned and cut my other arm as well. He kept cutting my arms. Suddenly, he threw the bloody knife on the floor.

"Now I've got your stinky blood all over my hands." He said looking down at his hands with disgust.

"Please, just stop." A sudden thud was heard from upstairs.

"Dad, open the door!" Max said again, trying to break the door open.

"Shut up kid!" James snapped at him.

He looked at me like he knew what to do next. He curled his hand into a fist and punched me in my gut.

I couldn't help the scream that left my mouth after the blow. The pain was unbearable.

He went to a corner and emerged back with a stick in his hand. Without a word, he drew the stick back and bashed in my head.

The force knocked the chair I was in backwards. The last thing that left my mouth was an ear piercing scream.

I gasped. My hand flew to my chest. I could feel my heart thumping against my chest at a fast pace.

"Clary!" Will and Alan came on either side. Will held my hand that wasn't on my chest and his other hand was on my waist.

"What is it, Claire?" Alan asked.

"This was where it happened." I said.

"What happened?"

"He bashed a stick in my head. And the chair was knocked over. That was the reason I lost my memory." I said.

I stepped out of Will's embrace. I went to the corner where James had retrieved the stick from.

I had to remove some of the stuff before I found what I was looking for. I held the stick in my hand. It still had blood on one end.

"This was the stick he used." I turned around so Will and Alan could see it.

"I guess that is evidence, right?" Will asked.

"Only if the blood on the stick matches Claire's blood." Alan said.

There was writing on the other end of the stick.

"It will. It's my blood." I said reading it.

"How do you know that for sure?" Will asked.

"He gave me the scars on my arms. When his hands were bloody he said that he had my stinky blood on his hands. He wrote stinky blood on this stick." I said.

"Now that proves that he's dumb." Alan said.

"Maybe. We have to go now though. They will be arriving soon." Will said.

I went to put the stick back on the original spot.

"Oh! And we're taking the stick." Will added, pausing me from putting it back.

I gave him a look to say, 'Are you serious?'

He shrugged, "It's evidence."

"No we're not. We were here to recall some of my memories. Not to steal." I said.


"Dad!" I shouted as soon as I came home.

"Dad! We found something!" I shouted.

He came down the stairs and asked, "What did you find?"

"We found the stick that he used." I said.

"Stick?" He asked confused.

"I tried to run away. That day I was unconscious and when I woke up, I tried to run away but he found me and said that I embarrassed him. So he took me to his basement and beat me up. In the end he got a stick and bashed it in my head. That was the reason I lost my memory." I told him.

"You didn't steal the stick did you?" He asked.

"No. Will tried to but we refused." Alan replied.

"That stick still has Claire's blood on it. We know it 'cause he said her blood was stinky and he wrote stinky blood on the stick. That makes it an evidence. That's why I suggested that we take the stick." Will defended, emphasizing when he said 'suggested'.

"You said, 'we're taking the stick'. That is not suggesting." Alan said.

Will opened his mouth to say something but then closed it, knowing it was exactly what he said.

"I need food!" He yelled frustrated and stomped to the kitchen.

Alan went after him to make sure he doesn't break anything and that he calms down.

After the both left, dad asked me, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just a little shaken up." I answered.

"It's fine, sweetie. You just need some rest." Dad said. He pulled into his arms. My head buried in his chest. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead before pulling back.

Suddenly, we heard a crash and shouting coming from the kitchen.

Dad sighed.

"I better go and make sure those two don't kill each other." He said and left me to go to the kitchen.

Clarissa's Past [COMPLETED] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt