Chapter 11

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Clarissa's POV:

"Claire, stop!" Alan exclaimed but I ignored it and continued hitting him with the cushion.

We were back at home from school and he somehow managed to avoid me the whole day.

Even in the car, he allowed Will to drive and sat all the way in the back to keep as much distance as possible.

But he can't escape here, considering we live together. One step in the house and I grabbed a cushion and started whacking him with it.

The whole time he told me to stop and tried to take the cushion from my hands but he didn't succeed.

"You.....can't...involve a mess.....that you cause." I said in between hits.

Will was recording all of this, holding his camera up and laughing every now and then.

"Listen, I know you're mad b-" I cut him off with another hit with the cushion.

He raised his hand to block and in the process, snatched the cushion from my hands.

"Will stop recording!" I yelled.

"Okay, but you really need to calm down." He said, turning the camera off.

"Yeah." Alan agreed. "And I don't know why you're making a big deal about this. You didn't have this type of a reaction when he did the same thing." He continued pointing at Will

I punched him this time, "I'm making a big deal! It's because never in my entire 17 years of life have I got a detention! Now I have detention for a whole week! And as for Will's attempt, the truth came out!" I said.

Will once skipped his classes 'til lunch break and the news reached dad. He tried to involve us into it but couldn't because dad found out.

"This is not what I was expecting to see when I come back here." A new voice spoke.

We looked up to see Mary standing there with some bags in her hands.

"I'm not involved." Will raised his hands up in surrender.

"Hey! You're involved in this just as much as we are." Alan said.

"I'm not the one fighting over here. I'm just standing next to you two waiting for you to finish." Will said.

Alan punched his shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"For lying."

Will lifted up his sleeve and saw that a bruise was forming on his shoulder.

"Dude, do you have rocks for fists? That hurts." Will said looking at the damage.

Alan shrugged.

"Alright enough. Why did this fight start?" Mary asked. I forgot she was here.

"We have detention for a whole week for starting a fight." Alan answered.

"I don't understand." Mary said.

"Alan was the one to start the fight but involved all of us." I told her the truth.

Mary nodded but didn't say anything. She went to the kitchen and came back with her infamous wooden spoon.

She handed it to me and said, "Just do what I do." Then left.

"Claire, don't. I begging you, please. That thing hurts." Alan said, backing up.

"It's honestly surprising to see you scared." I said and went to the kitchen to return the spoon.


I screamed.

No seriously, I screamed.

You're probably wondering why.

Well, after I got my 'revenge' on Alan, I went up stairs to do my homework.

I was sitting at my desk and was calmly doing my homework.

That was until I looked out my bedroom window and saw a bloody spider out, crawling on it.

I screamed so loud, it probably lead Will and Alan to believe that I was being attacked.

The door to my room burst opened, it almost fell off it hinges. Alan and Will came in.

"What happened?" Alan asked.

I screamed again and hid behind Alan, holding onto his shoulder as if my life depended on it.

It probably did.

"Are you going to keep on screaming or tell us what happened?" Will asked.

"What do you mean what happened? Don't you see the humongous spider on the window?" I screeched out making Alan wince.

Will and Alan looked towards the window to see the spider. Will stepped closer it the window.

He looked at it, taped on the glass and back at me, "Claire, it's on the outside."

"Well, get it away from the window then." I said from behind Alan.

Will sighed and opened the window to get rid of it. I squealed and hid behind Alan more.

"It's not even that big. It won't bite you." Alan said.

"Yes, it will." I said.

"Says who?"

"Spider man." I said, without missing a beat.

Will finally got rid of the spider and looked at me, "Don't ever scream like that again. We thought that you were being attacked or something."

So it did lead them to think that.

"As long as I don't get any more spiders on my window." I said stepping out from behind Alan.

Alan rubbed his ear and said, "I think you destroyed my eardrum."

"You don't listen to anyone anyways." I said.

That earned me a glare.

That happened to me once.

I ran out of my room while my mom got rid of the spider.

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