Work hard but they will always work harder

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Cory twisted and turned in his bed, the alarm clock blaring at an early 5 in the morning. He walked down the staircase, his heavy feet sliding along exhausted. He walked over to his mother at her computer
" what are you typing" he asked in his groggy voice still half way sleep

" application for you" her hair was done up teased an sprayed to her own standards of perfection, a crisp pant suit on ready to take on the day.
" do I have to do anything?" He said while squinting; trying to make out the screen.
" no just go study or something" she said annoyed, shoeing him away.
With that he was gone and retreated to his room. Pulling out his math textbook , Cory grabbed the book mark and continued where he left off completing every math problem and learning every concept while he turned on his science pod cast and enjoyed his early Saturday morning. After all he wasn't going to have long because his dad would be back from his first run soon so he could pick Cory up for his second one to join him. His father always told him he was training for football season. Although Cory didn't agree with this early ritual he never put up a fight. It was easier for him to leave it unbothered: and better for everyone else.
So until then Cory would solve the math problems and listen to all the problems science had solved .

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