leaving here came from where?

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When Rain regained consciousness she found herself and Cory in a cement room with a old wooden door and a reflective mirror. Rain had seen this scene everywhere in the crime novels she read. But what she didn't see was an air conditioner. The room was so uncomfortably hot she felt sick. Turning over to Cory she saw him coming closer to her. He wiped his forehead of sweet and grabbed her hand. Once she would find gross but now, A much need embrace.
" Are you ok,...... they stuck me with something I ... I can't remember anything after that" his worried eyes scanned up and down her. He thought back to when they were on the elevator and she defended him. He traced his hand up her arm that was scattered with bruises and cupped her face with his hand. A new found attraction left them edging closer to one another. But bringing an end to this new connection was a pair of officials that walked in the door. Embarrassed, they quickly pulled away and watched the Man and woman. The man had rich dark skin and piercing light brown eyes that provided a captivating contrast. The woman was much taller extremely fair skin with long brown hair her eyes were slumped and tiered but she came to them with a smile a welcomed occurrence.
"Hello, I am Mrs. Alvi we are here to ask some questions to you" her voice was robotic and had a strong French accent, something Rain quickly picked up on.
" Why ? We just need to go home" Cory stated
" How about you listen to us and we'll help you"
Cory slumped back in frustration while the questions began


The questions lasted for about two hours before Mrs. Alvi became frustrated with only being able to comprehend only parts of their statements that her weak English would allow her. She yelled in French and Rain picked up a bit. All she could make out was "stupid... American...you are ...Liar?"
That's all she needed to hear because you don't have to be fluent to know she wasn't speaking to kindly of them.
She yelled back in her limited French
" you are wrong I am ...true"
The lady stoped and took a step back. She was quite shocked that she was partly bilingual because Americans aren't suppose to be bilingual. Truth being she listened for simple cognates
" yeah pretty good for a stupid American ayeh" she rubbed her limited knowledge in the grown woman's face.
Storming out the room the short man followed.
Rain turned back to Cory. He was a bit surprised as well because in the short time he spent with her she had always managed to surprise him in wondrous ways in the midst of unfavorable circumstances. He had done the same for Rain he just Didn't realize it.

After some time had past the short man came back in the room with two guard type men tall And beefy.
" you're staying for a while I'll explain to you in the car we are taking you to the 12 district oh and that lady you just pissed of ... yeah that's my boss so you need to get your act together."

Before they could protest the guards restrained their hands. Rain wiggled to get free when his deep and demanding voice told her
" Stop resisting OR I will make you"
She seemed not to care and continued to move. So he kept his promise and shot a needle into her arm and her body went limp. Cory noticing this, stayed still and allowed the guard to Cary his long body all the way to the parking lot and into the car. Without even daring to look at the building behind them. Laying his head against the window and fell into a sleep just like Rain"

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