A far cry from home

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They arrived at district 12 around noon. The sun was overhead and the spring air had produce a serene scene. The car pulled around a grand circle in front of  the majestic building. It was very modern, with reflective windows and solar panels and windmills to collect energy around the campus.

" Get our my car and put your hands on the hood" Paul ordered
As they got out they looked into the glass wall a beautiful lobby made itself apparent. Men and women walked around in tailored suits while taking long strides toward their destination. They sat and talked with Manila folders in hands viewing documents. From around the corner a group jogged to the same pace in smooth black athletic clothing and silver metal watches.

Out of the doors two familiar faces came out. Ivan and Megan marched toward them.
"You guys really put us through the ringer" Megan said
"Yeah we could have just left you"Ivan chuckled
" Sorry... um ... about that"Cory muttered
"But to be fair you did tranquilize us" Rain added

" Well don't run from us again and that won't happen..." she paused for a moment "But I will have you both running a lot"

"We are gonna train you and teach you how to survive at this place called the 12th district" Ivan said

" And I'm gonna teach you how to execute this mission" Paul added to the conversation. Coming out the car with the picture in his hand he placed it in front of them. Cory reached for the picture and folded it by four. Stuffing it in his pocket. He looked up at the adults.
" This is what it's gonna be huh" squinting his eyes to block out some sun

" Yes...... now follow me in" Paul instructed.
They followed behind and observed the Beauty of the place. however, Rain and Cory couldn't help but fell so out of place. The people looked down to them and stared. The cold floor shocked their system and their feet became cold.
Megan bent down to their level to offer some wisdom "hey first bit of advise, don't look anyone in the eye"
Rain shook her head in understanding. They were lead up a set of stairs around a corner and down a hall or two. They arrived at a mahogany door.

"This is your place for now....take care of it"

Paul left and the four of them walked into the room. A living area was in the middle with a TV a couch and a window looking out into the dense forestation. A kitchen was tucked in the corner and on the two lengths of the room bedrooms were stationed. The bedrooms were identical with each having a bathroom.

" There are clothes and anything you need in your rooms" Megan informed

Ivan looked at his watch and said, " It's 1200 right now Well get you at 1700, be ready"
Ivan and Megan walked to the door and just before they left the door way Megan peered back in and said "ohh and watch some Tv to work on your language" and with an empty smile they were gone.
Rain went to the tv stand and two keys sat next to each other with chains on them one red and one blue.

"Red or Blue?" Rain questioned
"Um...Red" Cory replied
Rain threw him the Red chain key and sat down on the couch.Cory did the same. Rain put her hand over her face and a tear escaped  her eyes. Cory turned and grabbed her arm to hold her hand. Her hand shacking nervously.
A tear left Cory's eye, and then some more. They pulled each other close as they sobbed. Shacking in one another's arms Rain whispered into Cory's ear and said,
"It's going to be ok ...." her voice trembling,"We're going to be ok"

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