To prove ourselves

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They walked around looking for their room but the maze of a building turned to be a great challenge. They became lost between endless halls unidentifiable doors and large vast rooms. They came across a lobby like area; much smaller and meek in comparison to the one in the front they saw when they first arrived at district 12. Orange upturned chairs and oak wood tables matched the warm tones that made the room. They entered the room Empty room and Rain said,

"Look We HAVE to do this mission right"
She went to the corner of the room and grabbed an apple from an assortment of fruits in a neat little bowl.
" They just think we're Americans and can't pull our own weight. We're just a communication piece in this of now"
"What are you proposing" Cory inquired
"We prove ourself as an asset; we show them that we can do valuable work!"
"What are you getting at?" He said taking a seat and listening in
" well here's my plan, we can change the operation so something can go wrong, by plan of course, then we swoop in, save the day, and they think we are loyal to their European cause or whatever and they want to keep us around"
" How will we change the plan when we don't know what it is?, we only know small parts About what we are to do"
" you saw the folder it probably had everything about the operation in it, if we get that we can scheme things out"
" ok but we don't have anything to prove to them"
" Yes!, Yes we DO... look they took us in...Americans for crying out loud...a soon as we got here they had an assignment for us"

"And? What should that mean?"

"That means we're temporary they have a plan and it's short for us why do you think they were so open about telling us they were not really restraining themselves to kill us! Please..." she paused
"Trust me on this" her voice softening

" our purpose is not much" Cory said, slouching back soaking in everything Rain said. It was true...somewhat. We don't make their lives easier and they think we're just Americans Cory thought. And of all the people in the world to trust the only one he could right now is Rain. His mind wondered off until Rain began to speak,
"We have to get that file ... we have to prove ourselves! Come on".
Going out the room they turned corner after corner searching for clues hints people and anything that could help them figure anything out.


Through the endless halls they stumbled across Megan and Ivan.
"Let me guess you can't find your way around" Ivan said in his classic deep British and presumptuous tone.
"Well yea but we're always lost, this place is a maze"Cory said in frustration

" That's why we're taking you to your first district class made by yours truly" He stated flashing a grin
" Now follow me to..." he looked down to the paper searching for an answer, "educational multi use room L"
Down halls and tunnels, up stairs and down escalators they made their way to the room.
The room was quite basic white boards various colored text books in a shelf neatly packed together. Four school type desk made a group in the center of the room. The only thing that stood out was the absence of a main teachers desk but it could be easily over looked.
Still with her plan on mind, Rain began to scheme her mind worked tirelessly connecting dots. This was Interrupted by Megan
" we're gonna give you a brief history of this fine organization take a seat"
" No I am... not weee" Ivan claimed
An annoyed Megan tried to brushed it off and just calm down until Ivan said
" you don't know anything about the E.A.D.D any way"
Well that must have been the jumping point for Megan because she swiftly left slamming the door behind her.
"Wow she must be having a bad day"Ivan said
"No, you pissed her off"Cory acknowledge
"Ok whatever but...listen, we have a lot to get through"
He took long strides to the shelf and grabbed a book. It was old and clearly hand written.

He slammed it in between their to desk and looked to smile at them.
" Are you ready?"

A Sea of ChangesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz