A Meal for the three of us

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Being hungry and starving are two different things. And for all their lives Cory and Rain has the privilege to never feel how bad it hurts to starve until now. The trip was around 9 hours give or take to and most of it they were sleep. When their heated conversation had began the sun had just set. With night in full bloom Cory and Rain we're finally rested. Fatigued, but able to continue.

Looking out the window Cory viewed the country side. He remembered to when his father would take him to camp out. He said it  made him tougher. That's what his dad always said. A big part of him wanted to be pack with his family in the states. But a smaller part told him this was some how better than being at home. He imagined the freedoms he could have here that he didn't have there. But, at the same time he acknowledged the restrictions he had here. All the more manifesting as guilt. Then the guilt turned into anger and came out in the form of his fist banging against the window. This noise disturbing the quietness of the car and Paul.

" Boy have you lost your damn mind don't hit my window what's wrong with you"he screamed

Cory searched for a response. He didn't want to tell him how he really felt, how he was going through a crisis and couldn't even feel nor comprehend what was going on. How he was painfully confused and just wanted to burst in tears. Instead he said,

" Because I'm hungry! OK I just wanna EAT!"

"Ok we'll stop at the next place"he stated

Rain leaned over to Cory and whispered in his ear "I'm glad you said that cause I was so hungry"


Soon They were at a quiet little corner of the world. An empty diner along the road. If the lights weren't on you would not believe it were operational. And if the French pop music wasn't playing loud from the back They wouldn't know anyone was in there
It was so late that Rain didn't bother to translate she just slouched down at a booth  with Cory and waited.
Paul must of told him to cook as much food as they could because they continued to bring plate after plate to the table. But Paul didn't sit at the table rather he choose to isolate himself to the bar counter area. The plates were pilled high with all kinds of breakfast goods. Some familiar and others foreign but all delicious. 

They almost finished it all until Paul told them to go to the bathroom and meet back in the car. It's amazing the good food can do because their bitter moods had been swapped with more optimistic attitudes.

They couldn't ignore what happened but the food could suppress its pain. Paul told them what it was like there in the 12 district. Its modern design situated in the middle of nowhere and state of the art resource made it feel less like a work place and more like an escape. He told them he would be kinder to them than his former new recruits. To Rain this all felt so fast she could have had a panic attack right there in the car. So much to cope with so fast.

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