Knowledge is power

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" First thing to know is our history, we began around the beginning of the 1900's a scientist by the name of Roger Vent carried out banned studies in the deep woods between Germany and Frances formally disputed lines. The governments of both Germany and France agreed he needed to be stop. A joint raid on his lab uncovered great studies. It was agreed upon it would be a joint place of peace and learning. Learning that evolved to study how to better protect our countries. So, over time countries joined and that first district branched of and now there are 26 districts serving all over the continent."
He paused stepping back
" we recruit talent from all over anyone who can serve the only requirements is you must be proficient in English."
" If this is Europe's thing why do you speak English?" Rain stated
" Because the scientists wrote all his notes in English to throw off anyone who stole it and it took up to a year to uncover all the notes so we do it as a formality".

"How come you guys aren't in the news like the FBI or anything?"
"Because we keep it on the low,Anyway as I was saying, We take on threats all over the continent, including spread of disease terrorist threats  and anything wrong...Right now you are in district 12 centered to serve this region, of France and Spain. Each district has a head, ours is Mr.Paul but his title is command Paul and every 4 or 5 districts have a head as well. Their is one leader above all , this is our Chief of total defense her name is Adira Malade; and no one steps over Adira Malade."

"Are you scared of her!" Cory teased

" Anyone in their right mind should be afraid of Adira, she controls the most dangerous agency in the world"
He put the book back and walk to door.

" Next thing you need to do is learn your way around here" he handed them both a map.
"Walk around a bit and figure the place out anywhere you wanna go is just a simple pattern you'll figure it out"

Cory and Rain walked far away to reach some privacy.
"We need to find Megan!" Rain claimed
"That's what I was thinking, if she's mad at Ivan we can get her to give us the operation files"
"Yes !"
Rain jumped in for a hug and Cory grabbed her tightly. Every time they were close all their worries went away.

They ran down the halls for what felt like forever. They found Megan in a mini lobby with her arms folded pacing back and forth. Rain laid her hand in Cory's shoulder and whispered
"I got this"
She then approached Megan
" are you ok? Ivan was just such a jerk we were looking for you" Rain said

" yeah I'm good...he can be such a dick head some times, he thinks he's all that and the bag of chips! I'm tiered of him!"

"Right we asked him to open Mr.Paul's office because he wanted to give us the operation details but he was obsessed with hearing his own voice he didn't go!"
"I know! He is crazy I'll get the door since he couldn't"
She walked them down halls until they arrived at his office.
She told them to wait at the door and asked from his filling cabinet
" what kind of case was it?" She asked
They were stumped and turned to one another.
"Umm......" Cory stuttered
"It was filled as Blue" he guessed
" ohhhh a blue case you guys are new and already doing a blue case ... you'll be getting a board assignment soon!" She said smiling
She walked back to the door and handed them the file then she asked
" Paul said you could read this?" She asked
They felt the warmth of guilt spread across their faces from their lies
"Yes he wanted us to be aware of the risk"
She walked them back to the room and left.
" We got it!" Cory exclaimed

" Thanks to you and 'the blue file'" Rain laughed
She smiled and hugged Cory for another moment they felt a little more safe and a whole lot more hope.

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