Almost the end

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The ride was long, more like a road trip. Cory and Rains minds dance with the ideas of what this experience would hold in store.

Before long the car approached a majestic hotel structure. Like detailed in the mission, Cory, Rain and Abby get out and go to register. Once given a place to set up we watched out for the children. We came super early so we wouldn't miss them. After sitting for a while Abby stood up and said,

" I'm going to the bathroom page me if you see them"

She stepped away and around the corner. Rain looked Cory up and down

He does look pretty good with curly hair

Cory kept his eyes straight on the door and said,

" take it all in" with a smirk

They both chuckled until the next person to enter the room caught their attention. The two kids stood; scared and shocked expressions on their faces with 2 men.

" That's them I'll page Abby" Cory said while lightly touching his ear to make it appear as a scratch. He sat silent for a minute.

"Did it work ?" Rain asked

Cory lifted to his finger to press it again and waited.

"I'm all ears what direction are they going?"

" down the Harrison hall toward room A"

"Perfect I'll go and talk to the man with them and I need you to draw the kids out toward the east exit like discussed"

"You got it"Cory replied

She stopped speaking and Cory and Rain stood up to talk to the kids. Rain grabbed a deck of cards in case they need an excuse.

"Remember the plan"

"I do"Cory replied

"Take them to the east entrance tell them it's blocked which it actually will be because of us and then move them to the west end change the plan save the day easy moves"

" I sure hope so!"

They walked toward the east exit. Once there they approached the door leading out and removed the mob with the screw driver Cory stole. Putting it in their bag they ran to the Hall were the two kids walked down and took out the cards. They passed by Abby who was waiting for them to make the move. After grabbing the children we smiled and chatted. Cory and Rain didn't mention a thing about being there to save them they will figure that out. And as they had planned they walked mindlessly to the east end. Paging Abby they told her the door was broken. Then they told them to move to the west end. Performing it just to plan the kids got out and they in some way saved the day. The men who brought them here were none the wiser. They thought Rain and Cory were still playing cards with them. All went to plan until this happened~

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