Cement room situation

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They cried for a while until they got up and cement to their bedrooms . They cleaned the dirt of they're tired body's and put on the clothes provided in their own closets. Opening her closet Rain viewed the clothes for her. Black athletic pants and a red shirt. Another jacket matching the pants hung above them. In Cory's room he had the same attire but a men's cut. Coming out they looked complete and whole again. A little bit more human. However they were still shoeless.
" Did they give you shoes?"Cory asked
" No... wanna go find some I m sure they have everything here" Rain suggested
"They told us to sta..."Cory was  interrupted
" what do we have to lose" Rain acknowledged and with that they left to search for shoes. They went around corners and down stairs. They talked about the halls and windows looking out into the forest's dense consentration of trees and wild life. They peeked in doors. some where utility closets some just empty rooms. one one of the doors it had a black plack  and it read  "la salle d'interrogatoire"

" what does that mean" Cory asked
"Um.... hall of something it might be storage or something" Rain replied. She pulled the Handel and opened the door. A cement hallway only illuminated by overhead lightbulbs stretched farther than one could see. There were doors all along the left wall. Opening the first one they saw a simple concrete room with nothing put a wooden chair. Closing the door they headed down the hall until they heated screaming.

A voice yelled in a heavy German accent, "VVWWHHERE AREE THVE CHILDREN!!"

what followed was a slam that echoed down the hall. Rain still barefoot jetted down the hall toward the noise. Cory reluctantly stood there debating whether to go or not. ultimately he followed her. The farther down the hall they went the colder the floor became. Almost at the end they could her the rattiling of things being thrown across a room. Creeping down the hall they came to the last door and stood on either side. Rain signaled her fingers 1...2...3. Opening the door they looked in and froze. A man with his hands bound behind him in a chair sat frightened. The other was a short and chubby man with a pistol in his hand. When the short man heard the door open he switch his focus to Rain and Cory. Seeing this Cory and Rain bolted back to the entrance of the hall. Their feet slapped against the cement floor. A shot went of from behind them and they ducked and ran faster.At the end of the hall they heard another shot go off before they slammed the door. Running away they tried to get as far away from the door. That was until they turned a corner and were met with The faces of Ivan and Megan.

"What are you doing !" Megan screamed boiling over with anger.
"We j..." Cory was cut off
"No! You guys are in for it now"
Ivan grabbed Rain and Megan grabbed Cory and dragged them down the hall.

The next thing they saw was a state of the art gym below them; They were on a track.  Ivan and Megan dragged them to their feet.
" Run ...go on you want to not follow instructions go on run"
Rain and Cory looked at one another confused
"RUN!!" Megan screamed
And with that Rain and Cory ran, ran, and ran.

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