A flight for four

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The interior of the plane was beautiful. Dark wood and tan leathern played major roles in the ensemble. It was very spacious and accents of rich red lined the cabin. There were large seats on the sides of the isle. All the way in the back, a table made of mahogany wood and 2 leather seats faced each other on the lengths of the table.

Cory and Rain threw their luggage in the first row seats. Taking in the cabin's exquisite design, They made their way to the back table and sat across from one another.

They began to converse when Mr. Graham came aboard with a young lady . She had vibrant red hair and freckles all over her face. She was very short almost eye level to Rain.
" This is Ms. Cortez she'll help us along the way" with another uncertain smile he stepped into the cockpit and Ms. Cortez followed him.

Soon the plain raced down the runway and ascended into the air. Their conversation came to an end and Rain rested her head on the table and fell asleep. While in stead Cory took out the safety Manuel. However, only a few pages in, Cory fell asleep and The cabin was silent.

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An unreasonable amount of turbulence woke Cory and Rain up from their restful sleep. Now wide awake, Cory and Rain held onto the Table trying to gain some kind of balance while the plain violently shook them.

"This CANT be normal" Rain said in a shaky and concerned voice.
" I know" Cory replied, He frantically looked around and reached out to lift the small cover of the window to see outside. He struggled to grip the handle but when he did he lifted it up and peered out the small window. Rain followed as well; the horrifying view of the plain bouncing up and down between stormy gray clouds and the hostile shakes of the plane were enough to place worry in the both of them.
All of a sudden, Ms. Cortez jumped out the cockpit with 2 large bags in her hand. She raced to the back of the plain, Her heals and the plains shaking  caused her to  stumble and wobble on her way. When she reached them she had sweat running down her face and her statements incomplete between gasp of air.

" Use-ughhh these- ... go now"
She slammed the bags on the table and her body became life less and fell to the floor.
With another terrible spot of turbulence her response-less body slid down the isle and slammed into the door to the cockpit.

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