elevator escalation

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Bursting through the door they were meet by the coldness of the building. With the wet clothes they had on and their bare feet they scurried down the stair case.Their sore bodies didnt slow down in the face of fatigue. Hearing the sound of boots marching up the staircase they made the decision to get of on the next floor. leaving the stair case behind them they ran down the hall. Seeing the oddness of the layout struct Rain, Slowed down and was drawn to the odd placing of the windows, varying door colors and shapes.

"Hurry up!"

And so she did, coming across an elevator They pushed the down button. when they got in the door slowly closed and they could here boots running toward them from either end of the hall. And in the mist of all this oddity when they pressed the LV 1 button and caught their breath they took note to the fact they weren't alone. An older woman in a pencil skirt and a Dramatic Bob cut stood in awe. The Woman fought through them for the emergency button. She wacked Cory on the head. Rain didnt take the female as a threat untill she did that. The short woman packed a major punch. Her instincts told her to respect her elders but her rationality told her that the woman shouldnt have hit Cory to begin with. She grabbed the womans arm and twisted it until she fell to the floor. The tears in her eyes made Rain a bit sorry for the pain she went through but not remorseful. No not at all. The elevator door opened and they ran out.
" The door" Rain exalted
The bright and hopeful glass door shined bright. The way the sun flowed in the dark lobby called to them . They ran faster. But, so did the men and women in the heavy boots that chased them. First Rain was tackled. The weight of the full grown man weighing down on her small and weakened body was too much.
"I'm Sorry ! ooh Police Brutality,  UHU! let go please!"

The man pulled her up to her feet and she saw Cory pinned to the ground by an even larger man. The last thing she saw and felt before they put a bag over her head and a pointy object pushed into her tiered arm.

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