frustrating and almost matting

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They sat for hours scheming and planning. Wondering where they could throw a wrench into things. However this endeavor came to no avail. Cory slammed the packet of papers on the coffee table. maps and spread sheets spilled onto the floor. Cory jumped up in rage

"I don't get it!" he screamed

" I know but we have to keep trying"

he went to sit back down until something caught his eye
"Wait what"
" I've got a plan"
Cory lifted the map of the layout of the building.
He held it up to Rain and pointed toward one of the exits near the stage

"maybe just maybe..." he grabbed the list of names of the individuals on the case

"we could pull this off" he said looking up in Rain's eyes

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking" she pondered

"Ivan would be the perfect person and he is set in the perfect position if we could distract him for the slightest moment we could swoop in get the kids and leave!, we put them in the get away car and were good. we make the call to tell everyone to pull out and we're on the fast track."

"Yes but there is a problem,. . . if every one leaves and Ivan is trapped. . . what happens to him"Rain acknowledged

"do we have a choice?"

then they sat in solitude, in their own brains, they tried to justify the risk they were putting Ivan at. They acknowledged how their morality and the E.A.D.D's ethics crashed and left them in this horrible dilemma. Rain broke the silence,

"Cory, If Ivan doesn't make it out, how could I live with myself?"

"You'd live happy knowing you are alive, Ivan has been here a while he will know how to get out in this situation"

"I sure hope he can"

" when is the mission they never told us" Cory inquired

"let me check" Rain said rummaging through the files and papers

"O my Gosh"

" What, When is it!"


and with that they dashed out the door in search for Mr.Paul.

What will he say when he finds them? Will their mission be executed according to plan? what will they do to prepare for the mission? ans What does Cory find out about Rain that changes everything?

A Sea of ChangesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon