Another A/N don't kill me (sorry I'll delete this when I update)

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Ok so. It's been a few months I know. But there is a reason. The reason is that I've forgotten where I was going with this story -^-'.... meaning I have to come up with another storyline or I have to wing it. I haven't even read over my parts in a while so I don't know the storyline so far -^-' I know. Great aren't I?

So I've decided to give you guys a choice.

Do you want me to come up with another storyline in continuance or wing it?

If I come up with another storyline rather than the original one I was going with, this would mean I'd have to go back and write down the storyline so far which will take a while since I've got exams at the moment.

Now some of you who've seen my recent activity may be wondering how I have time to write the Karmagisa story 'Fake smile' and not this one. Well that's simply because I've been basing off of a plan that I've written for each chapter and the storyline before the point where I've continued isn't much compared to this story (I mean, 8 chapters each with 100-200 words in comparison to 43 chapters with more than 400 words is a remarkable difference). However my original plan for this story was all in my head when I began writting this, which was almost 3 years ago now (wow I should probably work to end this book huh?). 

So please please please accept that although it'll take a while, I will complete this story. I just need to write the storyline so far and from there I can decide what to do. Though if someone would like to write down a summary of each chapter for me, that would be incredibly helpful. But I doubt it since if I don't have the time, who will? XD

Stay determined everyone ':3

Goodbye from Mari-chan

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