Drunk and forgotten

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(Jugheads perspective)

"Boi what the hell are you doing!" I woke up to the sound of my dad yelling, my hair was greasy and beer bottles were all over the floor. "Get yourself together!" He yelled and threw the bottles in the trash, I sat up from the sofa and stretched, "What were you thinking!?" He yelled getting more and more mad, I looked around, everything was blurry, and I was sweating badly. "Are you even listening to me! What happened!?" He yelled and grapped me by my shirt, "Sorry sorry" I said and looked at him in the eyes, he sat down next to me and said "you are not a kid anymore! In fact you have a kid! And a girlfriend, who is heartbroken right now!" "B-Betty" I said and looked at him deeply in the eyes, "Betty, I'm so sorry" I slurred out, "Boi I am not Betty! Now get some sleep i will clean but you need to rest and clear your head!!

 "Are you even listening to me! What happened!?" He yelled and grapped me by my shirt, "Sorry sorry" I said and looked at him in the eyes, he sat down next to me and said "you are not a kid anymore! In fact you have a kid! And a girlfriend, who is...

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I woke up 3 hours later, my dad was cleaning up from my mess, he seemed pissed. "Good afternoon" he said and looked at me, like he was expecting something. I looked up at him and asked "where's Betty?" "She left. Because you are acting like a kid!" He said and took some clothes out for me, "get this on, we're gonna fix this, I promise" he said and padded me on the shoulder. I walked out to the bathroom and took a shower, afterwards put some black jeans, with a 's' t-shirt and my serpent jacket. "Where are we going?" I asked curious, my voice was raspy and my throat was sore. "We are going to see Betty.. or you are" He said and walked out the front door, I followed quietly behind him.
It was pouring down while we drove to Veronica's. A few tears escaped my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away. My dad saw that I was crying and stopped the car, he put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me in the eyes, "son, it's gonna be okay, we'll figure this out!" He said and hugged me tight, it was the kind of hug a real father would give, the warm, tight, comforting hug. "Thank you" I said and wiped my last tear.
We pulled up to the lodges apartment, my hands were shaking uncontrollably, and my throat was still hurting from sobbing. My dad gave me one last look and told me to go in, I quietly walked out of the car and waved awkwardly goodbye. The long hallway became smaller and smaller, my whole body was shaking, "What if I just lost the love of my life" was all I could think. I finally got to their door, and knocked not too loud not too quiet. A raven haired girl opened the door, "Veronica.. can I speak to Betty?" I asked nervously, "she doesn't wanna talk jughead." Veronica said and crossed her arms, "please?" I asked again, suddenly Betty walked over to the door, mascara was all over her face, she was wearing one of my t-shirts and looked terrified, "No!" She said and slammed the door. I could feel my heart being shattered to pieces. "Please!" I cried banging on the door, I was almost yelling, "Betty you are the love of my life!" I sobbed and banged harder on the door, "Jughead if you don't go now we will call the police!" Veronica said strict through the door, suddenly I heard Betty sobbing and hyper ventilating, "b-Betty!" Veronica yelled and I could hear her footsteps running towards Betty. I cried even louder until my dad came and helped me up from the floor, "Cmon boi, it's gonna be okay. Give her time" he said, and with that we left.

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