Tear stained cheeks

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(Betty's perspective)

"B wake up!" Veronica said and shaked me lightly, she had Ellie in her arms and she wouldn't stop crying, "It's 2 am veronica!" I said and sat up, "I know and I'm sorry, but she keeps crying and i don't know what to do!" She said and sat down besides me, "she's probably hungry" I said and took her from Veronica's grip. I pulled my shirt down, and tried to get Ellie to eat, "she won't eat!" I said frustrated and tried rocking her back and forth, when that didn't help I knew what was up, "She misses her dad.." I said quietly and looked at the little 7 month old in my arms. "I'm so sorry hunny I miss him too!" I said and salty warm tears fell down on my pale cheeks. "Get some sleep I will take care of her" Veronica said, she took Ellie and hugged me lightly, "it will be okay".

I woke up from a nightmare to a scream, i looked around and that was when I realized I was the one screaming. I was sweating badly and shaking. Veronica bursted through the door, "Betty! Are you alright!?" She said as she sat down besides me, "I-I just had a nightmare" I said and felt the tears coming down my face, "Aww b.." Veronica said, "tell me about it" she said and softly. I began to explain what the dream was about, and how jughead died after we had a argument in my dream.

"You look pale Betty" hermoine said as we ate breakfast, I looked down at the usually delicious eggs but now they made me nauseous, "I gotta go" I said and rushed to the bathroom

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"You look pale Betty" hermoine said as we ate breakfast, I looked down at the usually delicious eggs but now they made me nauseous, "I gotta go" I said and rushed to the bathroom. There I was, in the exact same situation I was one year ago, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I looked up in the mirror and a little tear fell down my cheek, "It will be alright" I whispered to myself and walked out of the bathroom.

"Betty, you have been feeling nauseous lately, should I go to the store?" Veronica asked me while I was feeding Ellie, "gosh I'm such a slut" I cried and looked down at Ellie, "even if I am pregnant, what are we gonna do! We don't have the money, I'm on a break from jughead, and I can't get an abortion!" I cried louder, Veronica sat down besides me and stroked my back, I laid my head on her shoulder. "Can you please go to the store?" I asked and looked up at her, "Of course b!" She said and hugged me tightly, "thank you" I whispered and sighed.

"B I'm home!" She yelled and I walked out of the guest room, "Be quiet v, Ellie's sleeping" I said with a small smile, "oh shoot sorry" she said and handed me a small white plastic bag, I smiled at her and gave her a hug, "thank you!".
"It will be okay it will be okay it will be okay" I whispered while walking around in the bathroom biting my nails, a dumb habit I always did as a child. Veronica was by my side and was almost as nervous as me. "One..two..three" Veronica said and I flipped the first pregnancy test, positive, I flipped one more, and another one. All three were positive. "No no no" I cried louder than ever and fell to the floor, Veronica rocked me back and forth while whispering in my ear
"It will be okay".

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