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I called my mom to tell her that today i am going to sleep over at a friend, it is a lie but I really need to go to find Chan. School was already over. Hyunjin was with his mother. The doctor said that he need to stay at the hospital till tomorrow to see if he needs something.

I was in my way to find Chan. I was going to go at their place but in my way i met Chan in a corner of a building, next to the hospital. He was crying hard. I went to talk to him.

Ji:"Hyung, why are you doing this? Don't you see you hurt Hyunjin? Don't you think he has feelings?" I said angrily but i was about to cry too.
Ch:"But I love him, i love him since our first day of school, but my illness has become too crazy"
Ji:"I am sorry to say that hyung but what you have is not love it is obsession"

I tear dropped down on Chan's cheek. He started to cry harder. We talked for a while. I tried to understand why is he like this. He told me that his disease, makes him really aggressive.

It was already dark outside.

Ch:"I think i have to visit my psychiatrist"
Ji:"This is a good idea, now hyung go home it's already dark outside"
Ch:"You too, and thank you. I hope we can be friends someday. Tomorrow i will come at the hospital to talk calmly with Hyunjin, now bye"
Ji:"Bye, hyung"


  My mother left me, she said that she needs to go to her work. I was alone in a hospital room. It is really boring. The doctor said that I mustn't move, because my wounds are really bad. Jeongin told me that he will stay with me, but I think he left. I want to call him or to text him, but my phone died, and more important I don't have Jeongin's phone number. I am curious about what is he doing now.

  A nurse came in my room to give me my medicine, I asked her is she saw a boy with red hair in the hospital. And she told me that she saw a boy but outside talking with a blond boy.

  I was wondering who was that blond haired boy. But then I remembered that Chan has blond hair. I waited for the nurse to leave so I could go to see Jeongin.

  I took my last medicine and then she left. I got up really hard because my wounds were hurting me so much, and my back too. I walked next to the door and then I opened it to see if someone is there. I left the room. I was going to take the elevator but, when I opened it, Jeongin was there. When I saw him a large smile was on my face. I was worried because I thought Chan could do something bad to him.

Hj:"Little fox, are you okay??" I was about to hug him but he pushed me away from him, he looked really angry.
Ji:"Hyuuung why are you standing up, you should be laying in bed, you need rest. Go to sleep before the nurses see you" he has a angry face. I think he is really mad at me because I didn't listen to the doctor.

  We went to my room, it was pretty late, everyone was sleeping, except for the doctors and the nurses were awake. Jeongin helped me to walk to the room. He also helped me to lay on the bed, because my back really hurts.

Hj:"Little fox, are you still mad at me because I didn't listen to the doctor to stay in the bed?"
Ji:"I cannot stay mad at you" the younger said with a cute little smile on his face.
Hj:"I have a question" i said with a serious face.
Ji:"What hyungie?" he asked me with a confused face.
Hj:"Did you met with Chan outside when my mother was here?" I asked if because I wanted to know if it was just a misunderstanding.
Ji:"Yes hyung, i talked to Chan, he said he wants to apologize to you, tomorrow. He said that he didn't wanted to do that to you, he said he has a disease or something i don't know. He was crying so hard, I wanted to punch his face but, I think he didn't lie" Jeongin said looking straight into my eyes with a really serious face.
Hj:"He didn't lie, he has a disease, but he told me that he is going to a psychiatrist to treat it and i am sure he didn't went to his doctor"
Ji:"He said that he is going, so please don't fight again tomorrow when he will come here"
Hj:"Okay little fox" he is so cute when he is serios, i want to kiss his squishy cheeks.


  Hyunjin feel asleep but i got a massage from Sunwoo.

Active now

What's happened, did you felt bad today at school, I didn't saw you after lunch
Where are you now?

I at the hospital
But don't worry i feel good
It's about Hyunjin hyung, he was beaten up by a guy named Chan

If you are okay it's okay
So tomorrow are you going to school?


That's great
Would you like to come with me at the launch to meet my brother and his friends?

Omg yes I would like to

Okay innie
Good night 💤

Good night 😴
Seen at 22:67

  My eyes feel heavy so I decided to lay myself next to Hyunjin, again because feel safe and warm beside him. I put my head on Hyunjin's arm and my arms are hugging his waist. I put a blanket on us and I felt asleep.

I don't know what's happened to me, I wrote this chapter in 2 days. I feel like this is going to be a long fanfic but who knows? 🤷‍♀️
What do you think about my fanfic ? Please be honest ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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