>>>>2. People who love suffer more<<<<

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There is suddenly a lot of noise and you cannot understand for the life of you why there is such a commotion.

Is heaven noisy?

However then you start contemplating if you deserved heaven at all. Killing yourself is a sin. So you committed a crime and you have probably landed on hell.

But was hell on earth any better than the actual hell itself?

You try to open your eyes to have a look at your surroundings. You are in a room that probably is a hospital cabin and you have got wires and plug-ins all over your body. The constant beeping of the life-support system finally hits you.

You are alive!? How is that possible? You should have died.

As your eyes scan the room, you instantly feel guilty of expressing your wish a moment ago.

You find Hyoki on the couch, trying her best to stay awake but the physical exhaustion, worry, anxiety and distress that are marked on every line of her face prevents her from sleeping soundly. She dozes off every now and then only to be suddenly awakened by the noises outside.

One look at her and you want to kill yourself again for putting her through all this.

But then will your death change anything? Will it make Hyoki's life more liveable?

Hyoki was your first friend in kindergarten and in time, both of you have become more than sisters.

But you cannot take advantage of your sister this way, by ruthlessly making her suffer because of your own actions.

After all, the people who love suffer more. You may be gone, but they have to live, and sometimes live with the guilt that they could do nothing to save you.

Someone comes into the room, probably a doctor, followed by a nurse. You pretend to be asleep. The doctor checks over your progress and after satisfying himself with the results, moves towards Hyoki.

"Really sorry to wake you up ma'am," he tells to a tired Hyoki, who has already sprung up.

"How is she? Is she fine? Out of dang..."

"Don't worry ma'am. She has recovered a lot. A few more days under the monitor and we may be able to release her."

Hyoki stared at the doctor with an expression that makes you want to cry.

"Why does she do this? Don't I make her feel that I care for her? Is her grief so much more than our friendship that she has to leave?"

"I can't really say anything about that ma'am but I guess it's high time she got treatment, mentally I mean."


That sets you off. You hate to be treated as a mentally challenged person.

"Yeah, if I can only take her to a doctor," scoffed Hyoki as if she could hear your thoughts.

"For her good ma'am, you should try for one last time," says the doctor as he leaves the room. Hyoki stares at the direction in which the doctor left and after sometime settles down on the couch again, probably thinking of plans to take you to a psychiatrist.

"Hyo...," you call out but then you realise that you really do not have the strength to attract her attention amidst all the hustle. However to your relief your movement is noticed by her as she rushes towards you.

"Y/N, why? Why did you do it?" she asks with endless tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'm sorry," you whisper and you helplessly watch her for you do not have the strength to wipe her tears.

"Sorry isn't working this time, Miss Lee. You have to tell me if I matter in your life at all."

You shake your head a bit in agreement because you suddenly feel all energy going away from you.

You feel like falling asleep again.

"How long was I gone... Hyo?" you ask with the drowsiness eating into you every moment.

Hyoki sighs a bit and then says, "You slipped into a coma for two weeks. That's the longest till now. Congratulations!"

Your friend's pathetic sarcasm makes you want to laugh but the certain amount of sadness in them tears you apart.

"But you know what Y/N?"

"What?" you ask as you can no longer stay awake.

"You were gone, from me at least, when you did it for the first time."

You look at Hyoki, but you cannot make out what prevents you from seeing her clearly: the drowsiness or the tears that have welled up in your eyes.

You close your eyes and as you feel Hyoki's hand combing your head, you finally give in to the inevitable.


Here's chapter two. If this is already making you feel sad and depressed, then let me tell you: It is going to get worse:"") Also do not forget to tell me how it was .


𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐊𝐒𝐉Where stories live. Discover now