>>>> 5. I really loved him <<<<

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Yes, there were six.

After what seemed like eternity, Seokjin spoke.

"You had six men over you, and I can't even have a proper one for me."
You looked up to him in awe.

"Are you serious?" you asked. "With that face everyone is supposed to just fall in love with you."

Oh shit.

You regretted saying that and looked down at your feet , shuffling them in despair. Seokjin, who was not a bit flustered at your remark, asked, "Have you?"

There, there. You were tongue-tied all over again. You shook your head, hoping he changed the subject. He was gorgeous, as though he just fell from the sky. But love?!


No, you are never falling in love again...

"Aish, why in earth should I?", you replied with a nervous laughter. "That was just a figure of speech."

"Hmmm," he sighed. "Well, I might have a face, but that doesn't mean I've had love."

"Neither have I," you comment, as tears, unconsciously, stream down from eyes again.

Seokjin straightens up on his chair and looks at you. "So do you want to talk about your boyfriends and why they made you kill yourself?"

No matter how hard this sounded, it was true... They did do things, and quite unknowingly, that killed you from within... But they were not your...

"I never had boyfriends."

Seokjin looks at you with a keen interest this time. "So, they were?"

"I just loved one man my whole life. I really loved him."

I really loved him.

Fresh tears fall from your eyes as memories flood into you. You loved him, you loved him so much. And yet, and yet... He just...


Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted as you looked up at the doctor. He looked at you menacingly.

"My best friend and my classmate, Jeon Jeongguk."

The name came in and so did all the moments with that person. How you fell in love... How you confessed to each other... The endless nights you spent together...  How he was always there for you...

And how he left you.

"Care to tell me that?" the doctor enquired as he braced himself with a paper and pen to make notes.

But you could not get it out. Each word that you wanted to speak slashed at your heart, and memories killed you from within.

How could you talk about it?

"Listen how long are you going to stay like this?"

You hear an inpatient voice, and instantly clench your fist.

Firstly this man was so rude and then he completely had no regard for you...

He was just treating you like shit.... And you hated it...

"Okay I'm getting impat---"

"Its not that easy, Mr.!!! You don't even know me..."

"Then try to tell me... Miss!!" he brought down his palm on the table, quite strongly and looked at you sharply...

You resent this man, but something about his eyes... Made you want to tell him.....




The loud shriek emanates through the air as you jerk your head backwards. He was running towards you, and boy, he did not look like he was in a very good mood.

Infact he looked like he could kill you.

You looked at him calmly and waited for him to reach you...

"What is it, Ggukie?" you asked him playfully.


" I'm serious, Ggukie. Now please lower your volume before people start to think that you're breaking up with me or something, when we're not even a thing."

"We could be, "he said, scratching his chin.

"You dare Jeon Jeongguk!" you glared at him. "YOU DARE!!! We won't date!"

"Okay fine." he says smugly. "But that doesn't mean you go and tell every girl who likes me that I like them back too."

"I haven't told everyone,' you state, brushing your hair behind your hair. "I just calmed Hyoki down, by stating that you love her too."

"Y/N she IS our best friend. Have you forgotten we're the golden trio?"

"She looked pathetic. She looked like she'd kill herself..."

"Please Y/N... That's not an excuse for trying to avoid me for eternity."

You looked up at Jeongguk. He longer had that playful look in his eyes.

He was no longer kidding with you.

Jeongguk sighed and left. "Hey!" you called out to him. He stopped but did not stir. "I'm not avoiding you, Jeongguk!"

"You are! Ever since the dance, you are," he states, not even looking back. "What have I done?'

To be honest, the dance was actually fantastic and you felt certain things towards Jeongguk in particular, that you had to keep him out of your sight.

What made you afraid that Jungguk too felt about you in the same way.

And that scared you because you really did not want to make your best friend, your boyfriend.

It was because the pain of separation would have been fatal for your poor heart.

"So you don't make him your boyfriend because you're scared of separation?"

You are jolted to reality as you find yourself sitting in a couch with a pair of brown eyes staring at you.

"We do become a couple," you say as you look down to hide your glossy eyes. "And even till date, I think why?"


Hello my dears. I had honestly no idea if I could actually post two chapters back to back. But since I've kept you all waiting for a long time, here it goes... And do tell me how it was and what do you think of the characters, introduced till now... Everyone take care, uwu!💜💜💜


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