>>>>11. Save Me<<<<

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Seokjin settled beside you, soundlessly. He was waiting for you to continue, but at the same tine gave you time to work it out in your head.

Somewhere in you, you started to have immense respect for the man.

Yes, you may have not begun a very healthy and dignified conversation, but slowly you realised why he was annoyed with you.

Why the heck would you kill yourself, again and again?

Who does that?

"I didn't meet Taehyung for more than two years after that. It was almost like I'd never seen him. It was fine, I guess, because somewhere in between, we had thought that it was the first and last time, we would see each other."

You sigh deeply.

"I wish I had never seen him actually. I so wish I-i had s-seen... neither... of them."

Tears attempted to flow out again, and before you knew it, a comforting hand was on your shoulder, making it so much easier to let out the pent up emotions.

Let it go.


"How did you meet Kim Taehyung, again?"

You stare into the open, as the memories replay in your head.

A flashback.

"It was a day in my university when... My world just turned upside down..."


"Lee Y/N you're expected to reach  Principal Choi's office, immediately!"

The announcement in the intercom made you snap your head, as you jerked up in confusion. Hyoki looked at you, equally puzzled.

The two of you had reconciled after your break-up with Jeongguk, and she had helped you overcome it, so much so, that you felt deeply guilty for ever breaking her heart.

"Y/N," she hissed, picking up her belongings. "Let's go."

You nodded and followed her suit. When you finally reached the auditorium, a frantic Mrs. Choi, rushed up to you.

"LEE Y/N!" she exclaimed almost hysterically. "Someone needs you."

Needs me?!

Still not believing her words, you push the door open. In front of you, a boy sat, his hair evidently all ruffled up, with his head bent over his knees. The boy looked like he was in a pathetic state.

How on earth can he need me?!

Before you could question your teacher, the boy, sensing the entry of new people, looked up.

He smirked, with his dark eyes sparkling like never before.

Oh god.

The dark eyes.

You gulp as you recognise the intimidating person in front, who looks, in no way similar to the boy who had saved you two years back.

𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐊𝐒𝐉Where stories live. Discover now