||||22. The beginning of the end ||||

30 1 7

Graphic depictions of violence and mature themes. read with caution please.


Seokjin looks almost terrorised and does not know how to react. Your deep drawn pause was mentally tarnishing him. However he decided to not rush you in.

A dense fog clouded in the atmosphere leaving you breathless.

Why, why, why.

"Y/N, I..."

"I h-hate myself. I hate myself so much-h." When you feel the watery drops sliding down your cheeks, you realise that you are crying.

However, this time no efforts were made to restrain the abrupt and almost violent, sobs.

"I-i, its almost as if, I'm bearing all the b-bad luck of the world. I h-hate myse-"

"Why Y/N? Why do you believe in bad luck? Why? I thought you were better than that."

Better than that?

Your sobs deafen to a certain extent and you look up at the speaker in confusion.


"You're excuses to resent yourself are becoming lamer by the moment. Be better than that, please."

Weird was the word you could come up with to describe your present emotion.

What did this man just tell me?

"I-i don't understand. I need an excuse to hate myself?"

Seokjin shakes his head in disapproval. "A reason to hate yourself and an excuse to tell me in support of your reason. C'mon tell me now."

A bitter smile crept on your face, as pitying thoughts peeked, to drown you in it in the blink of an eye.

But Seokjin was faster.

"I want an unbiased reason to justify why you resent yourself. Don't you dare get lost in your thoughts again."

You composed yourself and looked at him for support, as a part of you drifted to the painful past.


Your head was throbbing painfully and you wanted to disappear.

It is all my fault. All my fault, all my...

"Y/n, Y/nnnn."

You jerked up to see Hyoki peering down at you.

"Don't you want to see him?"



You nod mindlessly as take in her hand to support you up. Hyoki's hands were warm and your freezing hands found momentary respite in it. It felt bad to make her endure your cold hands, but Hyoki didn't seem to mind.

She never did.

She leads you to a room, and through the glass window on the door, you see your sunshine. He was inattentively staring outside but jumped to see you.

He waved furiously and flashed his bright smile.

And in whirr, all the cold melted away.

Your heart felt weird.

Oh my God, not again.

Hyoki's hand on your waist ushered you to enter the room.

I can't, I can't, please no, no.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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