>>>>4. There were six of them.<<<<

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"We'll be working together for some time."

You stare at the man, unable to quite comprehend if you are dreaming things or are events actually happening.

Seokjin looks up at you expectantly and when you do not reply he calls out to you again.

"Miss Lee?!"

His commanding, yet melodious voice snaps you out of your trance.

He smiles at you.

It hurts. And you don't know why?

Was it because your dream came true?

Or were you still dreaming?

"Um..H-hello," you greet him and sit at the couch to which he motions you to sit.

"So Miss Lee, I have gone through your medical records and I find nothing irregular about your physical health," begins Seokjin, peering over some files. "But I'm not going to look at you based in what's written on these papers."

Immediately after saying so, he takes some files, probably containing your medical records, and keeps them far away on a shelf.

"I want to know you how you know yourself."

You stare at him all over again.

What does he mean by how I know myself? you think, shuffling your feet in nervousness.

"Miss Lee, you have to come out from your cocoon. There's no need to be afraid of me... "

These words.

His words.

Why are they killing you?

Your heart stings at this unknown pain, as you try very hard to not expose it.

"What do you mean by knowing me the way I know myself?" you reply, trying your best to not meet his eyes. "Isn't my judgement of myself, my very own thing? A private thing?"

Seokjin smiles at this and ruffles his hair.

You liked to see that somehow.

No, you loved it.

"Well Miss. Lee, you may be correct about that, but what I really meant to say was I wanted to know how you felt about yourself and what I could do to help you."

What I could do to help you?

What I could do to help you?

What I could do to help you?

How many times did you actually hear this? How many times do people say this to you? And how many times people failed you, exactly?

It's actually a wonder that you're still alive.

"I'm sorry," you say as you get up from the couch. "But I don't think that you'll be able to help me."

You pick up all your things, frustrated with so many people telling you the same things but no one actually giving you help.

"Wait, Miss Lee!"

The command sent shivers down your spine as your hand halted on the doorknob.


"Because, for a change I won't be helping you," he said stubbornly.  "You'll be helping yourself."

Something hit you as you looked back at the man who was now beaming at you.

"How will I help myse--"

You break down as tears stream down yours eyes.


So now you were finally crying. Finally tears were not somethings foreign. You could no longer stand as you slumped in the floor near the door. You cried and cried, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You looked up and through your blurred vision and puffy eyes you saw an angel looking down at you.

"Yes, that is the very first step," Seokjin smiled as he gently helped you on your feet.

He leads you ever so gently back to the couch, that you almost forgot that he terrified you a moment ago.

When you settled on the couch and he, behind his desk, he spoke, " Now, Miss Lee, let's be very direct and honest with each other. "

You look up at the man, aghast at how he started treating you all over again.

"Y-yes?" you stutter.

"Why did you try to kill yourself ?"

You looked up at him. This time he was not looking at you indulgently. He stared at you coldly which seemed to destroy you.


"Yes, why?"

Silence builds up as you do not know how to answer him.

"I'm waiting..."

You could feel the impatience in his voice, yet you couldn't get the words out.

"Why did YOU?" he shouted this time, annoyed at your silence.

"Because... Because of men like you!"

You said it! You could not believe what you just did. You looked up at him. He relaxed on his chair and tilted his head towards the ceiling. But you heard it distinctly.

He stifled a laugh.

You looked at him with widened eyes. "What is soo funny?" You were dying a bit everyday and this person had the audacity to laugh at your suffering.

How dare he?!

"I'm sorry, but you committing suicide for boyfriends is just so typical."


"Yes. I mean why would you kill yourself for boys? Why?"

"You are not in my shoes."

Seokjin brought out one file from the shelf where he kept your records. Peering into it he asked, "You committed suicide four times. So I'm assuming there were four men."

You stare at your nails nervously because you don't know what to say about them...


"Yes? Were there four me---"

"Six. There were six of them."
You look up at who stares at you.


Yes, there were six.


Hi, Everyone!!! I'm back after a long time... If you thought I was not going to update or something, I'm here to prove you wrong.... Ahahahahahah...
Well this is back all over again... It took me time to actually frame the whole plot all over again... I hope you like it... And if you want to tell me anything about this, don't forget to comment. 🙃


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