Chapter 1: Treachery

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          It was dark, as per usual when I took my seat at the head of the royal coven

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          It was dark, as per usual when I took my seat at the head of the royal coven. I yearned for the warmth of light, but it always seemed so far from touch. Cold. Ruthless. Cunning. The sun danced, and I feared it. Yet, I wanted to bask in it. It was so unfair. Until I learned to live with it.

          Chatter rose from the table pulling me out of my inner thoughts. "Quiet down! You're giving me a damn headache. Now. One at a time please. We may be evil, but we have a code of manners," I stated with authority. After all, I am the Queen of Shadows.

"I have bad news Queen Morina," said a stern voice at the table. It was Thana, a gorgeous and statuesque woman with skin like armor. Metal shards protruding from her flesh, shining in the candle light. A true paradox of dangerousness and delicacy. "Speak," I replied with a resounding sigh. "It has come to my attention, that a human has been captured inside these castle walls." Gasps and gossip came astir from the table. "Quiet!" I said. "Let her finish."

"My Queen, we have no cognitive answer for how the human was even able to enter our realm, let alone your castle," Thana exclaimed, worriedly. Her devotion to me has and always will be driven by fear and undying loyalty. Just the way I like it. I think I can have some fun with this.

"How is it that a foolish human, has outsmarted you all?" I began. "My Queen, we are working on an answer, but in the mean time he is being held prisoner," Thana tried to convince me that the situation was handled. "That's not the answer I was hoping for. Listen up. All of you! This is an act of recklessness. We are superior beings, creatures, and entities. Fairy tales to those of the mortal world. So, your best idea was to keep it here so that it can go back with tales of a magical place? Fools! Bring me the mortal! Now!"

"Yes my Queen!" Thana ran out of the room to retrieve the intruder. She walks with conviction,and a sense of disappointment. She feels as if she's failed me. They must never know that they are not inadequate. I need them on their toes. Ready for anything. Fortunately or unfortunately, I would not be ready for what happened next.

The tall onyx doors swung open and the guards marched in. Behind them was Thana, walking a man in chains. A tall man with dark brown hair. Grinning coyishly. And I began to feel something. Something unusual. An attraction. What the fuck is happening? This is unacceptable! I can't. It's forbidden. I can't be attracted to a human, its atrocious. Sickening. Repulsive. But he's... handsome. "My Queen!" yelled Thana. I shook my head out of my daydreaming state and responded, "State your name human."

He raised his head more to where I could see his beautifully structured face. Those silvery eyes. Frosty. Like mountain tops. Capturing my gaze, wait a minute. Did he... did he just wink at me? "Kato, my Queen. My name is Kato."

I laughed, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Kato," he started.

"No, I heard your name. But I am not your Queen. I serve no mortals, and they do not serve me. Your breed is nothing short of a circus to us," I rambled. Those eyes. I can't stop staring at those icy eyes.

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