Chapter 27: Home

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As we set foot onto the territory of fear and nightmares, I looked to Kato

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As we set foot onto the territory of fear and nightmares, I looked to Kato. His forehead was plagued with lines and wrinkles of worry. His thoughts must be scrambling. Just hours ago, he found out he's going to be a father, and it wasn't even from the woman he got pregnant. She had kept it hidden from his knowledge, and I think it devastated him.

I nudged his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled right back with one that could light up a room. But even he couldn't mask the pain behind it. These past days of travel have been a journey. Not only physically, but mentally as well. I surprisingly grew quite fond of this human in the past couple of weeks. And I'd be proud to call him my friend behind his back.

Even though he smiled back, it didn't reach his eyes. Some how the light and vibrancy in them had dissipated in a matter of hours. It was like looking into the eyes of a different person. One with less will, and love of life. And I still couldn't help but feel responsible.

I felt like a complete traitor. It wasn't my place to tell Kato about Morina's pregnancy. Nor is it really my place to tell him any kind of news regarding Morina. But I couldn't stand by as he made a fool of himself in that Goddess forsaken kingdom.

Kato dropped his shoulders and sauntered off towards the castle. I watched him till he disappeared from my views. I could feel myself becoming emotional. Wanting to help him. Console him. But I think the best thing I could do was leave the situation alone. It was no longer my business, nor was it really mine to begin with. A soft gruff voice broke my concentration.

"Thana, he will be fine," Ayden soothed as he tried to offer me solace.

I sighed. "You don't understand," I dropped from the horse. "We are all broken here."

The silence that covered us made me want to scream. "Look at all of us!" I motioned around me.

"Celeste is a raging bitch consumed with a hunger for power she will never achieve, nor could she even comprehend it! Obviously, it's not her fault she's a shitty being! It's her role to play. The fates decided to make her this way," I yelled in aggravation. "Look at you! You obviously weren't happy! Why do you need me? It can't possibly be because we are related through our father. You must have some void in you to willingly follow a woman you don't know into what can only be described as the closest thing to some kind of hell."

He looked at me in confusion. Maybe he thought I was psychotic. And honestly, this type of volcanic ranting didn't help disprove the sentiment. But I was just getting started.

"Kato is more fucked up than most of us! No one loved him his entire life, and the only person who does now doesn't even know what love is. Hell, he didn't even know he is a father! Not too mention, unless Morina got her sister's blessing; Kato won't be around much longer. This realm is slowly changing him. Soon he will go mad. I can see it's already starting. It happens to all humans when they stay too long!" I continued with my rambling thoughts and feelings that I've kept in for so long.

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